Toyota smacks Trump down for saying they’re ‘not welcome’ with reminder that 475,000 US jobs hinge on their presence

President Donald Trump attacked foreign carmakers on Friday — while postponing a tariff increase for six months — which led Japanese carmaker Toyota to make what could be a veiled threat by pointing out that they are the force behind 475,000 jobs in the United States, one way or another.

According to a report in Bloomberg, “In an unusually strong-worded statement, Japan’s largest automaker said Trump’s proclamation Friday that the U.S. needs to defend itself against foreign cars and components ‘sends a message to Toyota that our investments are not welcomed.’ The company said it has spent more than $60 billion building operations in the country, including 10 manufacturing plants.”

In the statement, Toyota made a pointed reference to how many Toyotas are on the road in the U.S., to say nothing about how the American’s depend on the company for jobs — including in states Trump needs in the 2020 election.

View the complete May 18 article by Tom Boggioni of Raw Story on the AlterNet website here.