House HHS Finance Committee addresses soaring cost of insulin, prescription drugs at public hearing

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA – Today, the Minnesota House Health and Human Services Finance Division held a public hearing to discuss the Alec Smith Emergency Insulin Act and other solutions to address the skyrocketing cost of insulin and other prescription drugs. The price of insulin has tripled in the last decade, and studies indicate that 1 in 4 diabetics have resorted to rationing their insulin due to the high cost.

“Minnesotans need and deserve emergency access to insulin,” said House Speaker Melissa Hortman. “The House DFL passed the Alec Smith Emergency Insulin Act during the regular session, and we remain convinced that this is the best way to provide Minnesotans with emergency access — at their pharmacies, and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry, not taxpayers. We will continue to work with Senate Republicans and the Governor to find a compromise that serves the needs of Minnesotans.”

The public hearing, chaired by Rep. Tina Liebling (DFL – Rochester) followed five community conversations about the topic where lawmakers brought Minnesotans to the table to hear their experiences, input, and ideas. Continue reading “House HHS Finance Committee addresses soaring cost of insulin, prescription drugs at public hearing”