Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money

The following article by Robert H. Frank was posted on the New York Times website July 7, 2017:

The total cost of providing health coverage under the single-payer approach is actually substantially lower than under the current system in the United States. Credit Christophe Vorlet

Lingering uncertainty about the fate of the Affordable Care Act has spurred the California legislature to consider adoption of a statewide single-payer health care system.

Sometimes described as Medicare for all, single-payer is a system in which a public agency handles health care financing while the delivery of care remains largely in private hands.

Discussions of the California measure have stalled, however, in the wake of preliminary estimates pegging the cost of the program as greater than the entire state government budget. Similar cost concerns derailed single-payer proposals in Colorado and Vermont. Continue reading “Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money”