Trump Family Separation Crisis

Trump created the family separation crisis. The president’s policy has led to thousands of children being separated from their families.

Ahead of tomorrow’s court-ordered reunification deadline, more than 1,000 children remain separated as a result of Trump’s family separation policies, and this week, the Trump administration admitted in court that it has deported more than 450 immigrant parents without their children.

Now, the Trump administration is using every excuse not to reunite separated families. They’ve continued to incarcerate children in nightmarish conditions, deport parents without their children, and refuse immigrants urgent medical care with dire consequences. They’re even putting infants into deportation court by themselves. Continue reading “Trump Family Separation Crisis”

Trump Deports More Than 450 Immigrant Parents Without Their Children

Ahead of a court-ordered reunification deadline on Thursday, more than 1,500 children remain separated as a result of Trump’s family separation policies, and last night the Trump administration admitted in court that it has deported more than 450 immigrant parents without their children.

The Trump administration said in court that it has deported more than 450 immigrant parents without their children.

Reuters: “More than 450 immigrant parents who were separated from their children when they entered the United States illegally are no longer in the country though their children remain behind, according to a joint court filing on Monday by the federal government and the American Civil Liberties Union.” Continue reading “Trump Deports More Than 450 Immigrant Parents Without Their Children”

Trump Is Taking America To An Evil Place

The following article by David Cay Johnson was posted on the website July 13, 2018:

Every American, including native-born whites, should be alarmed about the advancing Trump administration plans to build mass detention facilities, which could fast be turned into concentration camps to hold opponents of Trump policies.

Abundant signs reveal Trump administration planning for mass roundups. News of these plans is out there but easily missed in the endless flurry of stories about Trump White House chaos. This story needs, but has not received, focused attention from our mainstream news media, from the minority party and especially from principled Republicans.

The Trump administration acknowledges planning on mass detention camps designed, initially, to hold 20,000 people.

View the complete post n the website here.