Weekly Review Video
A weekly message from your Senator
Dear Constituents and Friends,
Happy first week of session! We returned to St. Paul to officially kick off the 2020 legislative session on Tuesday. While this is a shorter session, there is still much work to be done. The first order of business this session will be for the legislature to get to work on putting together a bonding bill along with continuing to work on passing policy bills.
The session began with a tribute to the Guard members lost in the December helicopter crash near St. Cloud. Honored were Chief Warrant Officer 2 James A. Rogers Jr., Chief Warrant Officer 2 Charles P. Nord, and Sgt. Kort M. Plantenberg. Members of their families were there to receive the memorial resolutions on their behalf.
Regular committee schedules will begin next week. I will continue serving on the Taxes, Transportation Finance and Policy, and Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committees this session. I will also be serving on the Task Force on Medical Cannabis Therapeutic Research.
I have already introduced legislation to modify the current medical cannabis program in Minnesota, as it is currently one of the strictest in the country. These modifications will increase access and affordability for those in the state who need this program the most (SF 3130). I am also working on bonding proposals in our community, such as projects at Normandale Community College (SF 3051) and the Edina South Metro Public Safety Training Facility (SF 3058). In addition, I have introduced language to explicitly add government-issued ID from US territories as sufficient identification to purchase alcohol, as it is not currently clearly stated in statute (SF 3023). For more information on bills I have introduced, check out my Senate website.
As always, I look forward to seeing you at the Capitol and hearing about the issues you care about most. What are your priorities for this session? My door is always open!
A special Happy Valentine’s Day to you from the Senate DFL Women!

Legislature attends One Minnesota Conference
The Humphrey School of Public Affairs hosted Wednesday of this week the annual all-day One Minnesota Legislative Policy Conference. The bicameral, bipartisan event focuses on improving the state’s legislative process. Topics this year included economic and demographic realities, redistricting, negotiating skills and tools, and more. The focus of the conference was improving the end of session process – improving transparency in the process and ensuring a timely end to session have been topics of conversations in recent years as vetoes and special sessions have become more common.
HHS Committee hears Patient Insulin Assistance Proposal
SF 3019 (Jensen, Pratt) had its first hearing this week in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. This bill is a response to ongoing, bipartisan attempts at compromise on developing an emergency insulin program. This legislation is one of multiple proposals in the House and Senate.
The bill includes provisions such as providing up to 60-day supply of emergency insulin. Prior to receiving a second 30-day emergency supply, the patient must connect with MNsure to determine eligibility for other insurance or insulin assistance programs. It also implements a Patient Insulin Assistance Program run through health care practitioner. The bill does require manufacturers to participate as a condition of doing business in MN at no cost to the patient or provider.
The bill was moved as amended to the Commerce Committee.
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