From the March 12 morning take:
A coalition of supporters of the Angel Investment Tax Credit (AITC) will submit a letter to Sen. Paul Anderson and Rep. Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn this morning to the House Jobs Committee at 8 a.m. VERBATIM: “The AITC, which was first available in 2010 but expired at the end of 2017, resulted in more than $421 million in private investment in Minnesota startup and emerging companies during that time. Data also shows that investment in startup or early stage companies was 80 percent higher, approximately $280 million, in the eight years the Angel Credit was in effect than it was the eight years prior. The AITC is a useful tool for entrepreneurs from all over the state and from many different industries. From 2015-2017, companies owned or managed by women or minorities received more than $30 million in investment through the credit. The clean technology industry received nearly $13 million during the same time frame. In 2017 alone, companies in Greater Minnesota were the recipients of almost $10 million of investment via the credit, one of the highest totals in the history of the program.”