Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: May 4, 2018

Week of April 30th – May 4

Governor Dayton Proposes Emergency School Aid

On Tuesday this week, Governor Dayton called for emergency school aid as many Minnesota school districts are facing budget shortfalls. Without aid, hundreds of educators and staff will be laid off at the end of the school year. I was honored that Governor Dayton asked me to speak at the press conference announcing his proposal, and you can view those comments by clicking HERE.

I even got a good laugh out of the governor during my speech. Continue reading “Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: May 4, 2018”

Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: April 27, 2018

Week of April 23rd – 27th

Senate Takes Up Supplemental Budget

On Thursday this week, the Minnesota Senate took up this year’s supplemental budget bill. An amalgam of provisions from all subject areas, this is probably the most expansive bill of the biennium. For nearly twelve hours we had thought-provoking debates on a wide variety of subjects, and I would like to focus in on three of them in this week’s newsletter. These were our discussions on Southwest Light Rail, Gun Violence Prevention, and Academic Balance. The topic of Southwest Light Rail was the first of these to come up.

I cannot believe that we are still fighting over Southwest Light Rail in Minnesota. This year’s supplemental budget contains a provision that would effectively end the project, and forfeit one billion dollars in federal funds. I offered an amendment to remove this language, but it was voted down along party lines. You can view a video of me speaking to this amendment by clicking HERE. Continue reading “Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: April 27, 2018”

Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: April 20, 2018

Week of April 16th – 20th

Continuing Work on Gun Violence Prevention

Wednesday was Moms Demand Action’s day at the capitol, and they organized another impactful day of advocacy to lobby legislators for sensible gun laws. I was visited by the single largest group of constituents that I have met with during my two years in office. We discussed background checks, gun violence protective orders, and many other ways that we can keep our society safer. Continue reading “Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: April 20, 2018”

Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: April 13, 2018

Learning from Inmates at the Shakopee Women’s Correctional Facility

At the beginning of our legislative break, I was given the opportunity to give a Civics 101 presentation during the Shakopee Women’s Correctional Facility’s annual Chautauqua. What I thought would be a lecture to educate them on American Government ended up becoming one of the greatest learning experiences of my life. Thank you to everyone who participated and made this program possible. You can hear some more of my thoughts in this week’s video by clicking HERE.

Putting and End to Distracted Driving

A bipartisan bill that would prohibit usage of cell phones while driving, being advocated for by Eden Prairie’s own Vijay Dixit, has advanced further this week after the Senate Transport Committee unanimously voted to pass it. Should it be signed into law, using a phone without a hands-free device while driving will become unlawful. Our state is far behind on this type of legislation, as more and more accidents are occurring as a result of distracted driving. It is time we do something about it. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this process.

Constituents at the Capitol

Members of Emmanuel Lutheran Church toured the capitol on Thursday, and I had an outstanding time meeting with them after they finished. That sign I am covering up definitely doesn’t say “do not stand on the stairs.”

Students from Notre Dame Academy also came in to tour the capitol this week. Representative Pryor and I had a great time meeting with them and answering their questions.

Tuesday was Support the U Day this week. As a proud University of Minnesota alum, I had a great time visiting with two undergraduate students and hearing about their legislative priorities.

Zoo Day at the Capitol

Thursday was the Minnesota Zoo’s day at the capitol. Senators Dziedzic, Franzen, and I had a great time visiting the animals and learning about the zoo’s bonding proposal.

Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: March 29, 2018

Week of March 26th – 29th

Successful town hall sets the stage for an uplifting week.

Representative Laurie Pryor and I hosted a town hall forum on Saturday, and we both are extremely grateful to everyone who attended. With the meeting being scheduling as the same time as the March for Our Lives, we were thrilled by the sizable turnout. Whichever event you chose to attend, know that we both deeply appreciate your sense of civic duty and political efficacy. Continue reading “Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: March 29, 2018”

Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: March 23, 2018

Week of March 19th – 23rd

A Weekend of Civic Action: Town Hall Forum & March for our Lives

This Saturday at 9:00am at Minnetonka High School (18301 Hwy 7) in the forum lecture hall, Representative Laurie Pryor and I will be holding a town hall forum. Please come ready with your comments, questions, or concerns!

We are aware that the March For Our Lives is at the same time. We’d love our constituents to be at both, but unfortunately we were unable to reschedule our town hall. Whichever event you decide to go to, I hope you enjoy your weekend exercising your civic duty. There will be another Town Hall on Saturday, May 12, so you will have another chance before session ends. Continue reading “Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: March 23, 2018”

Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: March 16, 2018

Week of March 12th – 16th

Students and Legislators Continue to Take on Gun Violence

On Monday, a bipartisan bill was introduced that would require universal background checks for all gun sales. I was incredibly grateful to everyone who worked so hard on this compromise, and am hopeful that we are finally breaking through. I am proud to fully support this bipartisan legislation. For far too long, we have not enacted commonsense legislation, such as this, that has the power to save lives.

In Governor Dayton’s final State of the State address, he endorsed this bill and called on state legislators to listen to students who are asking for tighter restrictions on gun control. Continue reading “Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: March 16, 2018”

Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: March 9, 2018

Week of March 5th – 9th

Keeping up the Momentum on School Safety

On Wednesday, students from Central High School in St Paul led a walk-out to protest gun violence. Their march ended at the state capitol, where they were joined by other students. I got the chance to talk with several of the participants. One of them turned out to be a constituent!

It was an incredible thing to experience. The passion and confidence were some of the strongest I have seen from any group here at the capitol, regardless of age. After hearing these young people speak, I have been filled with that same confidence. This fire will not burn out. They simply will not let that happen, and will not let us as legislators forget that. Continue reading “Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: March 9, 2018”

Sen. Steve Cwodzinski Update: March 2, 2018

Week of February 26 – March 2

February forecast provides for cautionary optimism

Minnesota Management and Budget released the state’s February budget forecast this week, the day after US News and World Report named us the second best state in the nation. The forecast projected a positive balance of $329 million for the current biennium. It’s smaller than we had hoped, but still a good sign.

Exercising caution will be important as we decide on our supplemental budget this year. There are many things that must be taken care of this session. Public employees still have not had their negotiated raises approved by the legislature, and we need to make our schools safer. Continue reading “Sen. Steve Cwodzinski Update: March 2, 2018”

Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: February 23, 2018

Week of February 19th – 23rd

Keeping Our Students Safe

In just a single week, two massive rallies were held at the state capitol on gun violence prevention. The first was on Tuesday, held by Mom’s Demand Action, then on Thursday I was given the opportunity to speak at a rally held by Protect Minnesota.

This most recent mass shooting has not only awoken our youth like never before, but also driven our entire country to listen to what they have to say. Gun violence prevention could become this generation’s Vietnam. Continue reading “Sen. Steve Cwodzinski (SD48) Update: February 23, 2018”