Dear Neighbors,
We’ve just begun debate on the Taxes budget bill in the House, and today is the last day of this special session. It’s been a long couple of weeks (and a long year and a half!) but we’ve made a lot of progress and put forward a bipartisan state budget that will help Minnesotans bounce back from the struggles of the Covid-19 pandemic. With historic investments in education, an orderly end to the peacetime emergency, support for workers and small businesses, funding for childcare, measures to provide housing security, and so much more – everyone can find something to like in this budget.
As the only divided state legislature in the nation, compromise was necessary, but we also proved that coming together for the betterment of our state is still something that can be done in today’s political climate.
There’s a lot to cover in these bills – what’s in them, what’s not – so I’m excited to share that I’ll be joining Sen. Cwodzinski and Rep. Pryor for a District 48 Town Hall to take your questions and talk about our budget. We’ll be holding the event virtually, streaming live on our Facebook pages on Tuesday, July 6, from 9:30-10:30am. Grab a cup of coffee and tune in to start the short holiday week!

As we’ve done in the past, you can submit questions ahead of time here. We do ask that you provide your name and address, that way we can be sure we’re hearing from and prioritizing constituents’ comments and concerns.
If you’d like to get caught up on the bills we’ve passed the last two weeks, you can find nonpartisan summaries of the bills and the process around them here:
- Higher Education
- Commerce, Climate and Energy
- Agriculture
- Transportation
- Housing
- Jobs and Labor
- Health and Human Services
- Legacy
- Environment and Natural Resources
- E-12 Education
- Public Safety and Judiciary
- State Government, Veterans, and Elections
Ending the Peacetime Emergency
More Minnesotans have been getting vaccinated and COVID cases are going down, but it was also the recent compromises reached in St. Paul that enabled us to safely and effectively vote to end the peacetime emergency. With a deal struck with the US Department of Agriculture on emergency food assistance, and an eviction moratorium off-ramp included in our Housing budget, we’re ensuring that ending this peacetime emergency doesn’t just gain us a new crisis.

The eviction moratorium off-ramp included in our Housing budget provides both renters and landlords with the time and resources they need to make them whole. If you or someone you know has been struggling with rent payments because of the pandemic, I recommend checking out renthelpmn.org.

God Bless the U.S.A.
We will celebrate Independence Day this coming weekend, and I wish you and yours a Happy Fourth of July! Our Eden Prairie Hometown Celebration is back after a 2020 hiatus, and I look forward to seeing many of you at the festivities Friday through Sunday at our community parks.

Stay Connected
With the special session and the peacetime emergency over, we’re not scheduled to return to the House floor until the 2022 Legislative Session. Until then, I anticipate seeing many of you at school functions, on local parks and trails, enjoying restaurants and shops, or at your front door!
Please continue to reach out to me with any questions you may have on the bills we passed this year, the work that still needs to be done, or any ideas you may have for Eden Prairie and Minnesota. The best way to touch base is through email (rep.carlie.kotyza-witthuhn@house.mn) or phone (651/296-7449). I look forward to hearing from you.
Be well, and have a fun and safe holiday weekend!
Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn