Pro-Russian Bots Take Up the Right-Wing Cause After Charlottesville

The following article by Isaac Arnsdorf was posted on the Pro Publica website August 23, 2017:

Analysts tracking Russian influence operations find a feedback loop between Kremlin propaganda and far-right memes.

Update:  Aug. 23, 2017:  This article has been updated to include a comment provided by Sputnik after this story was published. Sputnik’s full comment can be found here.

Protesters clash in Emancipation Park at the “Unite the RIght” rally on Aug. 12, 2017, in Charlottesville, Virginia. Credit: Chip SOmodevilla, Getty Images

Angee Dixson joined Twitter on Aug. 8 and immediately began posting furiously — about 90 times a day. A self-described American Christian conservative, Dixson defended President Donald Trump’s response to the unrest in Charlottesville, criticized the removal of Confederate monuments and posted pictures purporting to show violence by left-wing counterprotesters.

“Dems and Media Continue to IGNORE BLM and Antifa Violence in Charlottesville,” she wrote above a picture of masked demonstrators labeled “DEMOCRAT TERROR.” Continue reading “Pro-Russian Bots Take Up the Right-Wing Cause After Charlottesville”