Sen. Rand Paul Invites Top Russians to U.S. as They Claim No Election Interference

The following article by Griffin Connolly was posted on the Roll Call website August 6, 2018:

‘We all do it,’ Kentucky Republican has said of election interference

Sen. Rand Paul, R-KY., invited top Russian government officials to the US later this year. Credit: Bill Clark, CQ Roll Call file photo

Sen. Rand Paul invited top Russian government officials to visit the U.S. later this year to continue a dialogue on important national security issues, he announced Monday.

The Kentucky Republican, who is leading a legislative delegation in the country this week, met with Konstantin Kosachev, the chairman of the Russian Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs. That committee is the Russian equivalent of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee that Paul sits on.

“Engagement is vital to our national security and peace around the world,” Paul said in a statement.

View the complete article here.

Justice Department plans to alert public to foreign operations targeting U.S. democracy

The following article by Ellen Nakashima was posted on the Washington Post website July 19, 2018:

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Credit: Mary Turner/Reuters

The Justice Department plans to alert the public to foreign operations targeting U.S. democracy under a new policy designed to counter hacking and disinformation campaigns such as the one Russia undertook in 2016 to disrupt the presidential election.

The government will inform American companies, private organizations and individuals that they are being covertly attacked by foreign actors attempting to affect elections or the political process.

“Exposing schemes to the public is an important way to neutralize them,” said Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, who announced the policy at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado. Rosenstein, who has drawn President Trump’s ire for appointing a special counsel to probe Russian election interference, got a standing ovation.“The American people have a right to know if foreign governments are targeting them with propaganda,” he said.

View the complete article here.