Mulvaney helped shut down the government in 2013. Now he’s trying to keep it running without funding.

The following article by Damian Paletta and Mike DeBonis was posted on the Washington Post website January 21, 2018:

Some party leaders and President Trump have changed their tune on government shutdowns since the last one in 2013. (Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post)

With President Trump largely hidden from public view during the government shutdown, the face of the White House’s response belongs to Mick Mulvaney, who has plenty of experience with such events.

He helped cause one in 2013.

Mulvaney, the White House Office of Management and Budget director, said Trump tasked him with minimizing the impact of the shutdown, which could send 800,000 federal employees home without pay and limit operations at the Pentagon. Continue reading “Mulvaney helped shut down the government in 2013. Now he’s trying to keep it running without funding.”