2018 Minnesota Elections:
Last-minute filings flood delivers undeniable messages, St. Cloud Times
Minnesota politicians party like it’s 2006, StarTribune
Dayton scatters endorsements in biggest Minn. races, MPR
The messy primary to replace Rep. Keith Ellison will center on who represents the future of the DFL, MinnPost
2018 National Elections:
Sen. Dean Heller is Democrats’ biggest Senate target in 2018, Vox
If Democrats want to retake the House, they need to win big in Virginia, Vox
Primary Briefing: Virginia, Nevada, South Carolina, North Dakota, FiveThirtyEight
If There’s a Red Wave Election in 2018, This Will Be Why, New York Times
Native American vote could have impact in midterms: Activists, ABC News Continue reading “In the Know: June 11, 2018”