Want to Know More About: Trump EPA Rollbacks?

Mika Brzezinski: “Also Mistaking News This Morning, The Trump Administration Is Set To Make Another Rollback Of Obama Era Climate Rules.” MIKA BRZEZINSKI: “Also mistaking news this morning, the trump administration is set to make another rollback of Obama era climate rules. The environmental protection agency is proposing changes that would give drillers a year to do leak inspections instead of just six months and 60 days to the make repairs instead of 30. The proposal would allow energy companies operating in states that have their own state level methane standards follow those standards instead of federal.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/11/18; VIDEO]

John Dickerson: “‘The New York Times’ Reports The Trump Administration Is Preparing To Make It Easier For Energy Companies To Release Methane Into The Air.” DICKERSON: “’The New York Times’ reports the Trump Administration is preparing to make it easier for energy companies to release methane into the air. The EPA wants to weaken an Obama-era requirement that companies monitor and repair methane an leaks from oil and gas wells. Energy companies say the rules to test for emissions are costly and burdensome. It’s the third rollback this year of federal efforts to fight climate change.” [This Morning, CBS, 9/11/18; VIDEO]