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Our Communications Team will be updating our site shortly.
Legislation honors the former statesman, who previously represented Minnesota’s Third District
WASHINGTON, DC – Last night, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan bill authored by Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) to rename the Wayzata Post Office in honor of former Minnesota Rep. Jim Ramstad. The bill was previously passed in the House with unanimous support and now goes to President Joe Biden for his signature. The legislation was cosponsored by the entire Minnesota Delegation and was led in the Senate by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (MN).
“Through his decades of selfless public service, Jim Ramstad left an indelible mark on our nation. His tireless advocacy and willingness to reach across the political aisle to expand access to treatment for mental health and addiction, an issue of personal importance borne from his own life experiences, exemplifies the broader approach he took to helping make lives better,” said Phillips. “The unanimous support exhibited by the U.S. House and Senate in approving my legislation to honor Congressman Ramstad’s legacy is a fitting tribute to this giant of Minnesota politics. While this is a small gesture in comparison to the impact that Congressman Ramstad had on our community, our state, and our country, it is my hope that this physical tribute serves as an enduring reminder of the Congressman’s legacy.”
Continue reading “Senate Passes Phillips Bill to Rename Wayzata Post Office in Honor of Former Rep. Jim Ramstad, Sends to the President for Signature”Hi Neighbors,
In between committee hearings and constituent meetings, I’ve been cheering on the 17 incredible Minnesotans making us proud at the Olympics this week. Of course, while passing bills requires far less athletic ability, creating consensus in Washington sometimes feels like an Olympic marathon. Like you, I’m looking forward to more meaningful progress – and Team USA victories – in the days to come. Here’s what else I’ve been up to:
As a Gold Star son, issues affecting veterans, members of the military, and their families are deeply important to me. Last week, I introduced a bipartisan, bicameral resolution to mark August 1, 2021, as Gold Star Children’s Day, recognizing the sacrifices of children of fallen servicemembers. I understand firsthand the sacrifices made by some so that ALL may enjoy the freedoms we hold dear as Americans – and so that we may continue to be blessed to live in the oldest and most successful continuous democracy in the world.
The thousands of sons and daughters of military families that have lost loved ones serving in the Armed Forces deserve national recognition for the unique burden and legacy they carry. Until now, the unimaginable sacrifices of Gold Star Children have not been recognized with a dedicated day for reflection – and that ends here.
As Chairman of the Oversight, Investigations and Regulations Subcommittee of the House Small Business Committee – and a longtime business owner myself – I’m on a mission to ensure America’s small businesses are in a position to innovate and grow. Last week, I convened a hearing to examine the role the Small Business Administration (SBA) can play in fighting climate change.
The climate crisis has the potential to cost our nation 10.5 percent of GDP by 2100. I believe this issue can be addressed through bold legislation and green energy initiatives that will benefit not only small businesses and their employees, but the economy as a whole. Climate change is an existential crisis, but it is a crisis that presents numerous opportunities. By crafting programs that provide proper support for small businesses as they adapt and innovate, we can help protect our planet and lay the groundwork for small businesses to not only survive, but thrive.
Minnesota is home to many innovative, smart, and compassionate entrepreneurs working to make a difference in our community and beyond. We are so lucky to have one of these remarkable people right in our back yard. During her time in the healthcare industry, Hilal Ibrahim noticed a lack of hijabs in the workplace. Through ingenuity and hard work, she created a hijab with slits to accommodate stethoscopes and masks – something that has never been done before. Today, Hilal is the owner of Henna and Hijabs, and has expanded her business to provide Muslim women all over the nation with durable, breathable, sustainable, and functional hijabs.
Last week, I joined a group of my Democratic and Republican colleagues for an afternoon of friendly trap, skeet, and sporting at the annual Congressional Clays Competition. As a proud Minnesotan, I value the outdoor sporting and recreational traditions of our great state and nation.
I hope that we can take the bipartisan spirit from this gathering back to Washington. It’s so important that we continue to work together to advance environmental protections, wildlife conservation, and access to the great outdoors for these and future generations of sportsmen and women.
Keep the faith and keep in touch,
Dean Phillips
Member of Congress
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) introduced a bipartisan, bicameral resolution expressing support for the designation of August 1, 2021, as Gold Star Children’s Day to recognize the sacrifices of the children of fallen servicemembers. The initiative is co-led by Rep. Young Kim (R-CA), with Reps. Tim Ryan (D-OH) and Trent Kelly (R-MS) joining as original cosponsors. Sens. Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) have introduced the companion resolution in the Senate.
To date, there has been no nationally recognized day to honor Gold Star Children. The thousands of sons and daughters of military families that have lost mothers or fathers serving in the Armed Forces deserve national recognition for the unique burden and legacy they carry. This resolution will designate August 1, 2021, as Gold Star Children’s Day and encourage the people of the United States to join in observation of this day.
“As a Gold Star son, I understand firsthand the sacrifices made by some so that ALL may enjoy the freedoms we hold dear as Americans – and so that we may continue to be blessed to live in the oldest and most successful continuous democracy in the world,” said Rep. Phillips. “Up until now, the unimaginable sacrifices of Gold Star Children have not been recognized with a special day, and that ends here.”
Continue reading “Rep. Phillips Leads Resolution Supporting Establishment of Gold Star Children’s Day”
WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Regulations, held a hearing examining the role of the Small Business Administration (SBA) and small firms in fighting climate change. In 2021, historic floods, record temperatures, and blazing wildfires have wreaked havoc on communities, posing a significant threat to small businesses nationwide.
“Investing in energy infrastructure improvements or preparing your business for future weather events can be costly endeavors, that’s why the SBA’s programs must ensure they are setup to help small businesses confronting the reality of the climate crisis,” said Chairman Phillips. “Climate change is a historic crisis, but one that presents numerous opportunities. By crafting programs that provide proper support for small businesses as they adapt and innovate, we can help protect our planet and lay the groundwork for many small businesses to thrive.”
(Watch the Hearing: Exploring the SBA’s Role in Climate Solutions)
Continue reading “Rep. Phillips (CD3) Explores the Impact of Climate Change on Small Business”
Hi Neighbors,
I’m checking in with more updates after a busy week. My time was split between DC and Minnesota, and highlights included engaging with my constituents, supporting two pieces of bipartisan legislation that keep America at the centerstage, and authoring a bill that works to fuel the modernization of our healthcare system.
I’m already looking forward to my next visit home, but, in the meantime I have some great news to share:
Community Conversation
Last Thursday, I was thrilled to be back with you all at our first in-person town hall in over a year. Its been a long year for many of us, and, as is often the case, what is good for the soul is good for our democracy.
Continue reading “Rep. Dean Phillips (CD3) Update: Conversation and Collaboration”
In letters to state and local leaders, Phillips cited live events, hospitality, travel, and fitness industries as sectors hit hardest
WASHINGTON DC — Today, Rep. Phillips released letters sent to Gov. Tim Walz, Minnesota House Speaker Melissa Hortman, Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, and Hennepin County Commissioners requesting their continued support for Minnesota’s small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“While many industries are quickly recovering from the pandemic, there remain many who are still experiencing severe revenue declines and have few – if any – options for economic relief, forcing them to consider layoffs or even closure,” Rep Phillips says in the letter. “I know the challenges of finding common ground in this day and age, but I am hopeful that there will be agreement on the need to support those small businesses hardest hit by the pandemic, especially those for whom no targeted relief is available at the state or federal level.”
Last year, Congress created a number of relief programs targeted to America’s small businesses, including the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program, the (SVOG) program, and the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF). Together, these programs saved millions of jobs and countless small businesses, helping pave the way for the economic recovery that has already begun.
(See also: Reps. Phillips, Van Duyne Introduce Bipartisan Restaurant Recovery Fairness Act)
Earlier this year, Rep. Phillips supported and helped pass the American Rescue Plan, which sent $2.8 billion to the state of the Minnesota through the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. Among eligible uses for these funds are loans and grants to small businesses to offset the economic hardships posted bysteep declines in revenue, temporary closures, and efforts to enhance safety in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Full text of the letter below:
I write today to encourage your continued support for Minnesota’s small businesses, especially those hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic. As we all know, these businesses are vital to the long-term economic health of our state, not to mention their many contributions to the quality of life in our communities, making them deserving of additional relief at the state and federal levels.
As you know, Minnesota will receive a total of $2.8 billion in federal aid through the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund established by the American Rescue Plan, which I proudly supported. Among the eligible uses for these funds are loans and grants to small businesses to offset the economic hardships posed by steep declines in revenue, temporary closures, and efforts to enhance safety in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. While I appreciate the inclusion of $70 million for grants to small businesses in the recently-enacted Omnibus Jobs Bill, the need for targeted relief remains, and my hope and my request is that a substantial fund is set up using a portion of the remaining federally allocated dollars.
Minnesota does not bear this responsibility alone. Congress created a number of relief programs targeted to America’s small businesses, including the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program, the Shuttered Venue Operator Grant (SVOG) program, and the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF). Together, these programs saved millions of jobs and countless small businesses, helping pave the way for the economic recovery that has already begun.
Still, these programs were never intended to address the entirety of the need, which is why I supported the substantial state and local recovery funds included in the American Rescue Plan, and the flexibility to use them in a way that best addressed each state’s unique needs. And while many industries are quickly recovering from the pandemic, there remain many who are still experiencing severe revenue declines and have few – if any – options for economic relief, forcing them to consider layoffs or even closure.
This is especially true for those businesses which rely on in-person service or gatherings, including the myriad of businesses that make up our once-thriving live events, travel, and hospitality industries, as well as gyms and fitness centers. I have heard from countless small business owners representing these industries who are desperately searching for options to keep their businesses afloat until the recovery reaches them, and I encourage you as elected leaders of our state to respond with additional relief to these businesses in particular as you consider the various options for uses of the federal ARP funds – especially as federal programs come to an end, or find themselves overextended.
I know the challenges of finding common ground in this day and age, but I am hopeful that there will be agreement on the need to support those small businesses hardest hit by the pandemic, especially those for whom no targeted relief is available at the state or federal level. Wisconsin recently authorized $480 million from their ARP allotment to fund grants to roughly 96,000 businesses in their state, and others have created similar programs as well. You are the experts when it comes to the needs in our state, and it is my hope that you will be able to identify an amount that meets that need.
Thank you for your leadership of our state in these challenging times, and for showing the entire nation that good work can get done even in divided government. I stand ready to support you in whatever way I can. In the meantime, I am grateful for your consideration of this request.
WASHINGTON, DC – This week, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and his colleagues on the House Foreign Affairs Committee approved the Ensuring American Global Leadership and Engagement (EAGLE) Act, an unprecedented China policy package that invests in U.S. diplomacy, strengthens U.S. economic leadership that bolsters engagement, enhances transparency, and empowers American workers and small businesses, and holds our adversaries to account for their unacceptable violations of human rights.
“Partisan gridlock and dangerous complacency have hamstrung our economic development and damaged our standing on the world stage,” said Rep. Phillips. “But after years of inaction, the House of Representatives will finally consider bold legislation to revive our role as a global leader and safeguard American interests in the face of growing strategic competition with China. Strengthened by my amendments, the EAGLE Act is a sign that Congress – at long last – would rather lead than cede.”
The EAGLE Act included four amendments authored by Rep. Phillips that would bolster our national security and support U.S. foreign policy priorities in the face of an ascendent China, including:
Continue reading “Historic Legislation tp Counteract China and Restore American Global Leadership Clears Committee with Four Phillips-Authored Provisions”
Hi Neighbors,
I hope you had a joyous and restorative Fourth of July. I spent last weekend surrounded by friends and family celebrating this one-of-a-kind country and reflecting on all we must do to protect the good that it stands for. Freedom is fragile, and as we navigate unprecedented challenges and address historic injustices, we must remember that our shared love for America transcends our political divisions. There is nothing more powerful than a house united!
Those core values – unity and patriotism – guide all of my work on behalf of Minnesota’s Third District. Last week, I had the opportunity to share my principles and my vision for a more united Congress with the Star Tribune. My mission is to inspire a new era of collaboration in Washington, and I hope that the spirit of Independence Day will inspire others to do the same.
Continue reading “Rep. Dean Phillips (CD3): Delivering For Our District”