The following article by Simone Pathé was posted on the Roll Call website February 7, 2018:
Former vice president says Democrats need to not lose focus on working class

Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. took the stage at House Democrats’ retreat on Wednesday to cheers of “Let’s go, Joe!” and a solitary cheer of, “Run Joe, run!”
He dismissed the remark, but told the room he’ll do whatever he can to help Democrats win the House majority in November.
“We have a real opportunity to take back the House,” Biden said, before suggesting there’s a chance Democrats could flip the Senate, too.
Democrats need to gain 24 seats to win a House majority. Democrats must pick up two Senate seats, but are currently defending 10 seats in states President Donald Trump won in 2016. Continue reading “Biden Gives Midterm Pep Talk at Rebooted Retreat”