John Heilemann: “Unfortunately For This White House, If You Look At Every Piece Of Data Over The Course Over The Past 18 Months, Every Special Election, The 2017 Off Year Election, There’s Not A Single Piece Of Data That Suggests That The Republican Party Is Not In Deep Trouble.” JOHN HEILEMANN: “If you look at the historical precedence presidents with approval ratings in the 40s who go badly for the in power party. We’ve never seen a president in first mid-term that had ratings in the mid-30s and that’s where president trump is now and, again, as Willie pointed out in the first hour, seems we’ve seen consistent polling in the last week to two weeks that put the president in this kind of high, mid to high 30s and the trajectory is in the wrong direction. On this trend line we can see the about an approval rating of 35, 34 by the time we get to election day. Bob, I want to ask you this question, Costa that is. Obviously, everybody as we head into a midterm election, both parties try to highlight what their argument for how it’s not going to be as bad, if there’s negative forecast or great if it’s a positive forecast. To make an argument in a midterm election that the base, it will be a base election would be conventional wisdom. Unfortunately, for this white house, if you look at every piece of data over the course over the past 18 months, every special election, the 2017 off year election, there’s not a single piece of data that suggests that the Republican party is not in deep trouble. If you look at democratic enthusiasm, you look at the closing of margins in places where Donald Trump won in 2016, how D they confront that data because there’s now a lot of data that suggests the democratic base is so fired up, way more so than the Republican base.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/11/18; VIDEO]
Rob Costa On Midterms: “That Data Is All Accurate. It Paints A Bleak Picture For The Republican Party.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/11/18; VIDEO] Continue reading “Want to Know More About: The 2018 Midterms?”