Trump holds Nevada rally, Biden gets $100 million boost from Bloomberg in Florida

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President Trump is on a campaign swing out West this weekend, while former vice president Joe Biden attended a church service in Wilmington, Del., but has no public events. The president holds a Latinos for Trump roundtable in Las Vegas on Sunday morning, followed by two fundraisers and an evening rally in Henderson, Nev.

Biden, who is leading Trump in the money race, got even more good news in the form of a pledge by former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg to spend at least $100 million in Florida to help elect the Democratic presidential nominee.

Trump’s Nevada visit comes as he continues to defend his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, after the release of an interview with Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward in which Trump acknowledged he played down the severity of the virus. Continue reading.

Bloomberg says he will not run for president in 2020

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced Tuesday that he will not seek the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, saying that he believes he would better serve the country as a private citizen.

In an op-ed published in Bloomberg News, Bloomberg acknowledged that his path to the Democratic nomination would be narrow, stating that mounting a long-shot campaign for the White House would detract from his work on other issues, such as climate change and gun violence.

“I know there’s much more we can accomplish over the next two years, but only if we stay focused on the work and expand upon it,” he wrote. “And the fact is: A national presidential campaign would limit my ability to do that.”

View the complete March 5 article by Max Greenwood on The Hill website here.