The following article by John Reinan was posted on the Star Tribune website April 6, 2017:
Citing a responsibility to taxpayers, the Trump administration recently proposed a federal budget that calls for drastically reducing — or eliminating — programs that pay for Meals on Wheels and other nutrition services.

Mary Hennessy, 97, ate her Meals on Wheels lunch Wednesday.
LEWISTON, MINN. – At 97, you make some concessions. Mary Hennessy gave up line dancing a few years ago.
But she’s not ready to give up the home she shares with her husband, Bernie, in this Winona County city of 1,600 people where she’s lived her whole life.
That’s why the couple is grateful for Meals on Wheels, whose volunteers deliver two meals to their door five days a week. Mary Hennessy doesn’t go into the kitchen any more, and as for Bernie: “I’m a lousy cook,” he said. Continue reading “Possible cuts to Meals on Wheels could impact 50,000 Minnesotans”