Trump officials open border to 15,000 more foreign workers

NOTE:  Remember, our president’s properties use a substantial number of this type of worker. Seems like this person is only capable of understanding issues that personally impact him, his businesses and his pocketbook. If we may quote him, “sad!”.

The following article by Tracy Jan was posted on the Washington Post website July 17, 2017:

The Department of Homeland Security on Monday announced a one-time increase of 15,000 additional visas for low-wage seasonal workers for the remainder of this fiscal year, a seeming about-face from President Trump’s “Hire American” rhetoric, following heavy lobbying from fisheries, hospitality and other industries that rely on temporary foreign workers.

The increase represents a 45 percent bump from the number of H-2B visas normally issued for the second half of the fiscal year, said senior Homeland Security officials in a call with reporters. Continue reading “Trump officials open border to 15,000 more foreign workers”