Trump’s Numbers Near a Tipping Point

The following commentary by Eleanor Clift was posted on the Daily Beast website December 15, 2017:

Things fell apart for Nixon when he dropped below 30 percent approval in his second term. Trump is getting there in his first year.

Credit: Win McNamee/Reuters

Public opinion can take off like a runaway train once it gets going. President Donald Trump, already polling lower than any of his predecessors in his first year, might soon be hearing the hoofbeats of history.

At 32 percent in the most recent Pew and Monmouth polls, he is perilously close to what most historians and political scientists say is a tipping point of 30 percent, below which a president can no longer effectively lead. Continue reading “Trump’s Numbers Near a Tipping Point”

Only 1 in 4 Americans strongly support Trump

The following article by James Hohmann with Breanne Deppisch and Joanie Greve was posted on the Washington Post website July 16, 2017:

Donald Trump walks across the South Lawn last night after arriving back at the White House on Marine One from a weekend at his golf club in New Jersey. (Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP)

THE BIG IDEA: President Trump is not Teflon, and the conventional wisdom that “nothing matters” is wrong.

fresh Washington Post/ABC News poll underscores the softness of Trump’s support as he prepares to mark six months in the White House on Thursday.

It also highlights a growing intensity gap. Support for the president is more tepid, but opposition is increasingly inflamed.

The president’s overall approval rating has slipped to 36 percent from 42 percent in April. For context, George W. Bush and Barack Obama both held 59 percent approval ratings in Post/ABC polls conducted around their six-month anniversaries.

Media coverage often focuses on how rank-and-file Republicans, as well as elected officials, continue to stand behind Trump. While true, a close examination of the results suggests that no more than 1 in 4 Americans believe passionately in him or his presidency at this juncture. Continue reading “Only 1 in 4 Americans strongly support Trump”