Dear Neighbors,
First and foremost, I want to say thank you to all who made Maple Grove Days such a success! While I may not have had the opportunity to speak with each of you one on one, once again with a grateful heart, I say thank you.

Dear Neighbors,
First and foremost, I want to say thank you to all who made Maple Grove Days such a success! While I may not have had the opportunity to speak with each of you one on one, once again with a grateful heart, I say thank you.
Dear Neighbors,
Last week, the Minnesota House and Senate convened for a special session to complete work on the two-year state budget. I’m focused on delivering bipartisan compromises to help Minnesotans in our collective recovery from COVID-19, and taking action to ensure our families, workers, and small businesses have a fighting chance to thrive post-pandemic. With July 1 right around the corner, we’re making steady progress in passing bills with various DFL and GOP provisions. Compromise means each side must sacrifice priorities they would like to see included and I’m pleased to share we have found common ground and passed budgets in the following areas: commerce, climate & energy; higher education; agriculture; clean water, outdoors, arts, and cultural heritage projects funded through the Legacy Amendment; and transportation; housing; environment; jobs & workforce development.
Just today we passed the Early Childhood-12 Education budget on the House Floor. We know our students need a little extra help after a challenging year in distance learning, hybrid, or the classroom, which is why we prioritized the strongest level of investment in public education in 15 years with a 2.45% increase to the general education formula in 2022, and another 2% in 2023.
Continue reading “Rep. Kristin Bahner (HD34B) Update: June 26, 2021”
Dear Neighbors,
I hope this finds you and your loved ones well. With vaccination rates steadily moving toward our 70% goal (MN 16+), COVID-19 restrictions loosening in our state, and summer just around the corner, a return to normal is something we all are undoubtedly looking forward to this year.
Even with regular session concluded, our work continues at the Legislature.
What got done?
House committees heard a record number of bills this session. We buckled down to hear bills from last session that may have withered on the vine due to the pandemic and key bills laser focused on issues related to the pandemic from healthcare and mental health to jobs and homelessness. On May 17th, our last day of session, we were able to pass a large number of bills wrapped up in policy omnibus bills by subject. Essentially these policy bills included a bundle of bills that pertain to key functions of government, same or similar and non-controversial bills that passed both the House and Senate. Often the same and similar bills contain language that is almost a match but often has minor technical differences. Those issues were resolved, agreed upon, voted on in both chambers and are headed to the governor’s desk to be signed into law. As a fun example, the Health and Human services bill was 519 pages of policy agreed upon by both parties. A testament to what can be done when we work together.
Continue reading “Rep. Kristin Bahner (HD34B) Update: May 25, 2021”
Dear Neighbors,
The past few weeks have been an emotion roller coaster for our communities. One thing is clear, no verdict will bring back a father, a son, a brother, a friend.
While the justice system can grant accountability, we also know true justice would be for George Floyd to hold his daughter close once again and justice for every Minnesotan, would mean regardless of race or religion, to feel safe in the community. We will work towards justice, until everyone is free from fear.
I ask that we grant the grace and space for those hurting in our communities to heal and above all, hold close your family and friends to cherish one another – today and every day.
Continue reading “Rep. Kristin Bahner (HD34B) Update: May 3, 2021”
Dear Neighbors,
Words cannot express the depth of sorrow, heal the pain, or begin to take away the sting of losing someone you love. No words can stop the fear and relief of a mother realizing the story in the news was not about her child.
My heart is heavy with grief. As a legislator, I am committed to finding a way to right this wrong by being open, persistent, and at times – stubborn in search of paths that are more just, more real – that seek to cease the pain of a heart in rebellion, steeped with grief, that cannot be quelled.
For the family of Daunte Wright, I ask we all hold them in our care and respect their wishes for peace. For our community, I ask for the quiet dignity to allow those suffering, the space and care they so rightly need.
Continue reading “Rep. Kristin Bahner (HD34B) Update: April 13, 2021”
Dear Neighbors,
The first committee deadline is behind us, but the pace of the legislative session is not slowing down. I have one bill ready for a vote of the full House, five that have been heard in all of their committee stops and laid over for possible inclusion in the larger bills, three bills are still in the committee process, four bills are being refined for future success, and three bills in the idea stage, ranging from insurance reform to ensuring justice for survivors of Asbestos exposure.
I am also working to champion House File 81, to establish a pharmacogenomics (PGx) task force, by partnering with one of my Republican colleagues, because it has great promise for the health of our citizens and the innovation of our state. It is a hectic time, but I can still say I truly love doing this work on behalf of my community and all Minnesotans
Continue reading “Rep. Kristin Bahner (HD34B) Update: March 17, 2021”Dear Neighbors,
I hope you are finding time to enjoy the nice Spring weather we have been blessed with in the recent weeks. We are welcoming a new business into our community that you can explore in Maple Grove! The MiniSota Play Cafe is now open for business in The Shoppes at Arbor Lakes. Let’s give them a warm welcome!
I’ve been incredibly proud to see Maple Grove grow and thrive during this unfortunate pandemic. You can find additional information about MiniSota Play Cafe here.
Dear Neighbors,
According to data reported as of February 19th, the total vaccine doses administered in the state of Minnesota is 1,095,934 exceeding our goal of 1 million doses! Right now we have about 1/3 with both doses and 2/3 that have received at least 1 dose and 30-40 of those on the waiting list have received the vaccine and a good deal more have appointments set and ready to go. The speed of vaccination is picking up to approximately 100,000 people each week, and there have been a series of online tools that make it easier for eligible individuals to schedule appointments and access the latest news on COVID-19 information.
Curious when it will be your turn? Minnesota has just launched a new tool to make reliable vaccine updates and COVID-19 related information reach you faster and remove the guess work around when you may be next in line. The COVID-19 Vaccine Connectorwill help Minnesotans find out when, where, and how to get their COVID-19 vaccine.
Continue reading “Rep. Kristin Bahner (HD34B) Update: February 23, 2021”Dear Neighbors,
I want to extend an invite to you for the upcoming Town Hall!
On February 20th at 10 A.M. I will be hosting a town hall event. You can RSVP to join on the Zoom call and submit your questions prior to the event on the following google form (or comment your questions during the Facebook live event).
RSVP link here.
Continue reading “Rep. Kristin Bahner (HD34B) Update: February 16, 2021”Dear Neighbors,
So much has happened in the past few weeks. We have a new President at the helm, a new congress and new state legislators here at home. While we all are united in believing violence is never the answer, we respect the need for every individual to have a voice. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we don’t. And yet that is the core of our American values. The right to dissent at times, the ability to unite with one another and to engage in healthy debate – all of which make us stronger. I have always believed that. I know from talking to many of you, that people in our community across ideology or party lines, feel the same.
In a unified effort, House Democrats and Republicans of the Minnesota House of Representative joined together and passed House Resolution 1. A resolution condemning violence and violent rhetoric directed at the United States Capitol and state capitols, and affirming support for democracy, rule of law, and the certified results of our election. The resolution passed on a vote of 111-8.
Now is the time to reinvigorate the spirit that makes us who we are by reaffirming the right to free and fair elections, the will of the people to decide our leaders, and the grace we grant each other in the peaceful transfer of power. I believe that as Americans, we understand that neighbors caring for neighbors transcends any political party or ideology.
Continue reading “Rep. Kristin Bahner (HD34B) Update: February 8, 2021”