The former White House chief of staff also denounced members of the administration for not rejecting the president’s norms-shattering actions in recent years.
Former White House chief of staff John Kelly said on Thursday he would vote to remove President Donald Trump from office if he were still part of the administration.
Speaking with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Kelly said Cabinet members should meet to discuss the president’s role in the Capitol riots on Wednesday. When Tapper asked whether he would have voted to remove Trump, Kelly responded, “Yes, I would.”
Kelly has at times criticized the president since leaving the White House in 2019. But his interview on Thursday was the first time he openly endorsed the president’s removal. He also denounced members of the administration for not pushing back against Trump’s norms-shattering actions over the past two years, and said he wasn’t surprised by the president’s words egging on the storming of the Capitol. Continue reading.