Trump Judicial Pick Disputes Allegation That He Lied To Senate About Voter Intimidation Plan

The following article by Same Levine was posted on the Huffington Post website December 21, 2017:

A former Justice Department official raised questions about Thomas Farr’s Senate testimony.

Thomas Farr, nominated for a federal judgeship, denies that he knew about a 1990 voter intimidation scheme before it was executed. Credit: CSPAN

One of President Donald Trump’s picks for a federal judgeship is pushing back on allegations that he lied to the Senate about his knowledge of a voter intimidation scheme in North Carolina in 1990 ― but he now acknowledges he attended a meeting to discuss “ballot security” shortly before the election.

Thomas Farr, now nominated for a district court seat in North Carolina, served as a lawyer to Sen. Jesse Helms’ (R-N.C.) 1990 campaign. Shortly before Election Day that autumn, the campaign sent more than 100,000 postcards to black voters containing incorrect information about voter qualifications and warning that voter fraud was punishable by up to five years in prison.

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