Charities steered $65M to Trump lawyer Sekulow and family

WASHINGTON (AP) — Jay Sekulow, one of President Donald Trump’s lead attorneys during the impeachment trial, is being paid for his legal work through a rented $80-a-month mailbox a block away from the White House.

The Pennsylvania Avenue box appears to be the sole physical location of the Constitutional Litigation and Advocacy Group, a for-profit corporation co-owned by Sekulow. The firm has no website and is not listed in national legal directories. The District of Columbia Bar has no record of it, and no attorneys list it as their employer.

But Sekulow, 63, is registered as chief counsel at the American Center for Law and Justice, a non-profit Christian legal advocacy group based in an expansive Capitol Hill row house a short walk from the Senate chamber. Continue reading.

Sekulow’s ‘Due Process’ Argument Falls Flat

The evidence against Trump is overwhelming and irrefutable. Because his attorneys can’t argue with the facts, today they launched his defense with the false claim that Trump’s been denied due process.

Trump and his lawyers were offered a chance to participate in the House impeachment proceedings. They refused.

New York Times: “The House did offer Mr. Trump and his lawyers a chance to participate in the latter stages of the impeachment proceedings, but he declined to take them up.”

Trump stonewalled the House impeachment inquiry.

New York Times: “Fueling the obstruction of Congress charge, a dozen more witnesses, some with direct knowledge of Mr. Trump’s actions, were blocked from speaking to investigators, and the Trump administration refused to produce a single document under subpoena.” Continue reading “Sekulow’s ‘Due Process’ Argument Falls Flat”

Cohen told lawmakers Trump attorney Jay Sekulow encouraged him to falsely claim Moscow project ended in January 2016

Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former longtime personal attorney, told a House panel during closed-door hearings earlier this year that he had been encouraged by Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow to falsely claim in a 2017 statement to Congress that negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow ended in January 2016, according to transcripts of his testimony released Monday evening.

In fact, Cohen later admitted, discussions on the Moscow tower continued into June of the presidential election year, after it was clear Trump would be the GOP nominee. Cohen is serving three years in prison for lying to Congress, financial crimes and campaign finance violations.

House Democrats are now scrutinizing whether Sekulow or other Trump attorneys played a role in shaping Cohen’s 2017 testimony to Congress. Cohen has said he made the false statement to help hide the fact that Trump had potentially hundreds of millions of dollars at stake in a possible Russian project while he was running for president.

View the complete May 20 article by Tom Hamburger, Ellen Nakashima and Karoun Demirjian on The Washington Post website here.

Trump lawyers reviewed Mueller report for 10 hours before it was made public

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump’s personal lawyers spent at least 10 hours reviewing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian meddling in the 2016 election before it was made public, two of the lawyers told Reuters on Friday.

Rudy Giuliani, Jay Sekulow and two other Trump lawyers went to the U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday and Wednesday for an early look at the 448-page report into whether Trump’s team colluded with Russia and whether Trump obstructed the investigation, which was released to the public on Thursday.

Attorney General William Barr, who has drawn criticism from Democratic lawmakers over his handling of the Mueller probe, said on Thursday that both White House counsel and Trump’s personal lawyers had been allowed to review the redacted report.

View the complete April 19 article by Karen Freifeld on the Reuters website here.

s Trump attorney Jay Sekulow’s family has been paid millions from charities they control

The following article by Aaron C. Davis and Shawn Boburg was posted on the Washington Post website June 27, 2017:

President Trump’s personal attorney Jay Sekulow was on his weekday radio show this month, defending the president vociferously, when he took a pause to highlight a charity that has brought Sekulow and his family millions of dollars

“Let me take off the hat of the president’s lawyer and put on the ACLJ hat,” he said, using the acronym for the American Center for Law and Justice. His June 16 program then cut to a plea for donations from audience members listening on 850 stations nationwide. “Now, more than ever,” a narrator said, “you need the ACLJ on your side.” Continue reading “s Trump attorney Jay Sekulow’s family has been paid millions from charities they control”

Trump lawyer insists there is no obstruction investigation — but then hedges

The following article by John Wagner and Rosalind S. Helderman was posted on the Washington Post website June 18, 2017:

A member of President Trump’s legal team repeatedly insisted that Trump is not under investigation for obstruction of justice but acknowledged he could not know for certain during combative Sunday television interviews.

“Let me be very clear here, as it has been since the beginning, the president is not and has not been under investigation for obstruction,” lawyer Jay Sekulow said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” part of a blitz of bookings on the Sunday morning public affairs shows. Continue reading “Trump lawyer insists there is no obstruction investigation — but then hedges”