In the Know: June 11, 2019

Exclusive: U.S. state attorneys general plan lawsuit to stop Sprint and T-Mobile merger, Reuters
Oil Rises as Forecast Drop in U.S. Stockpiles Beats Demand Woes, Bloomberg

Minnesota’s Legislative Water Commission, left in limbo, hopes for quick resuscitation, MinnPost
Minnesota, German cities team up to get smart on climate and energy, MPR
83 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump, NYT

The Man Who Liberated the Republican Party, The American Prospect
Rep. Justin Amash, lone-wolf GOP Trump critic, leaves House Freedom Caucus, Washington Post
How The Politics Of Religious Freedom Got Turned On Their Head, Talking Points Memo Continue reading “In the Know: June 11, 2019”

In the Know: June 10, 2019

As Consumer Protections Dwindle, Schools Push Financial Literacy, The American Prospect
Atop the House’s Tech Antitrust Probe, a Democrat With an Independent Manner, Wall Street Journal
What’s wrong with the current stock market? Maybe it’s time for a reset., Vox

The Man Who Liberated the Republican Party, The American Prospect
House Democrats consider bills to ‘safeguard democracy’ in response to Mueller report, NBC
NRA board members received payments amid excessive spending allegations: report, The Hill

Governor Tim Walz
What Gov. Walz learned in his rookie legislative session, Star Tribune
Governor’s office proclaims June 2019 Great Outdoors Month, Southernminn Continue reading “In the Know: June 10, 2019”

In the Know: June 7, 2019

Congress expects foreign interference again in the 2020 election. It still isn’t likely to take any action., MinnPost
Can Democrats Stop McConnell and Trump’s Quiet Regulatory Takeover?, The American Prospect
Dems set to use McConnell’s legislative graveyard against him, The Hill

The May jobs report is a big disappointment for workers and bad news for Trump, Vox
The world is discussing a new tax system. The alternative could be ‘chaos’, CNN

Bloomberg pledges $500 million to close coal-fired power plants, The Hill
US to label nuclear waste as less dangerous to quicken cleanup, The Guardian Continue reading “In the Know: June 7, 2019”

In the Know: June 5, 2019

Democrats’ extremely uphill battle to retake the Senate majority in 2020, explained, Vox

Exclusive: Promising thousands of U.S. jobs, Foxconn offshored 155 to Mexico, AP
The Chamber Speaks: Forced Arbitration Is Actually Good for Workers!, The American Prospect
College students are going hungry, Pacific Standard

Climate change is becoming a defining issue of 2020, Vox Continue reading “In the Know: June 5, 2019”

In the Know: June 6, 2919

Dems eye big infrastructure package, with or without Trump, The Hill
Rep. Rashida Tlaib opens up about death threats: “I’m a mother, so I want to go home to my two boys”, Salon
McCready goes up in NC-09 election, Politico
McConnell: Senate will ‘probably not’ vote on Dreamers bill, Politico
The border is in crisis. Here’s how it got this bad., Vox

D-DAY 75th Anniversary
What happened during the Normandy landings?, CNN
D-Day veteran: ‘Men drowned as they jumped off the boats’, BBC
Unprecedented scale: D-Day’s fighters, helpers, victims scale: D-Day’s fighters, helpers, victims, AP
Continue reading “In the Know: June 6, 2919”

In the Know: June 4, 2019


House Democrats poised to approve bill to give DREAMers pathway to citizenship, Vox

Trump’s tax cut impact: $1 of for every $20 of revenue loss, MinnPost
Amazon offered job to Pentagon official involved with $10 Billion contract is sought, The Intercept

Earth’s carbon dioxide levels are highest they’ve been in millions of years, USA Today
How China’s growing soy demand is fueling Brazilian deforestation, Pacific Standard Continue reading “In the Know: June 4, 2019”

In the Know: June 3, 2019

Why You Should Blame The Economics Discipline For Today’s Problems, Evonomics
Economists’ fear of a 2020 recession in the US surge, CNN
US construction spending was flat in April as housing fell, Star Tribune
As baby boomers head for the exits, businesses worry about the workforce, MPR
Trump’s new tariffs seen as latest threat to USMCA, Agri-Pulse
Eight Reasons Why Inequality Ruins the Economy, Evonomics

Different approaches for Minnesota’s two GOP newcomers in Congress, Star Tribune
Italy is evicting Steve Bannon from the medieval monastery he planned to turn into a far-right training academy, Quartz
Supreme Court prepares for dramatic four-week sprint to end of term, CNN
A ‘Bridge’ to China, and Her Family’s Business, in the Trump Cabinet, NY Times

Governor Tim Walz
Gov. Walz orders flags to half-staff for Virginia Beach victims, Fox 9
Walz keeps veto power tucked away in first year, MPR
Gov. Tim Walz considering executive action to implement an insulin assistance program, KFGO
Gov. Tim Walz Signs 13 Budget Bills Into Law, WCCO Continue reading “In the Know: June 3, 2019”

In the Know: May 31, 2019

Attorney General Keith Ellison
Attorney General Ellison sues to protect Minnesotans from discrimination in health care, Insight News

Soggy fields leave Midwestern farmers with few good answers Star Tribune
Making Wall Street Pay, Counter Punch
California is cracking down on the gig economy, Vox
In Washington and St. Paul, progress on rural broadband internet is slow, spotty, MinnPost

Deceased G.O.P. Strategist’s Hard Drives Reveal New Details on the Census Citizenship Question, The New York Times
Continue reading “In the Know: May 31, 2019”

In the Know: May 30, 2019


Continue reading “In the Know: May 30, 2019”

In the Know: May 29, 2019

US stocks slide as global trade anxiety lingers, Star Tribune
Are you getting a tax cut? Some Minnesotans will. What about corporate tax rates?, Pioneer Press
The GOP tax law’s lopsided giveaway to corporations, explained in one sentence, Vox
Trump’s tax law had small effect on economy, wages: Study, The Hill


A major US utility is moving toward 100% clean energy faster than expected, Vox

Tornado crushes parts of Kansas and 39 million are still under a severe weather threat, CNN
Unprecedented stretch of tornadoes and floods hit the US, CNN
Arkansas River communities scramble to hold historic flooding at bay, CBS Continue reading “In the Know: May 29, 2019”