Trump administration releases hard-line immigration principles, threatening deal on ‘dreamers’

The following article by David Nakamura was posted on the Washington Post website October 8, 2017:

The Trump administration released a list of hard-line immigration principles Oct. 8, which could threaten to derail a deal in Congress to protect “dreamers” from deportation. (Elyse Samuels/The Washington Post)

The Trump administration released a list of hard-line immigration principles late Sunday that threaten to derail a deal in Congress to allow hundreds of thousands of younger undocumented immigrants to remain in the country legally.

The administration’s wish list includes the funding of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, a crackdown on the influx of Central American minors and curbs on federal grants to “sanctuary cities,” according to a document distributed to Congress and obtained by The Washington Post. Continue reading “Trump administration releases hard-line immigration principles, threatening deal on ‘dreamers’”