Trump says that he is ‘not a racist,’ denies souring chances for immigration overhaul by using vulgarity

The following article by Mike DeBonis and Anne Gearan was posted on the Washington Post website January 14, 2018:

President Trump on Jan. 14, said “I am not a racist” and blamed Democrats for the delay in passing deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. (The Washington Post)

President Trump said Sunday that he is “not a racist” and denied that he had spoiled chances for an immigration overhaul in Congress by using a vulgarity to describe poor countries.

His remarks came as relations between key GOP and Democratic lawmakers turned poisonous as they debated whether Trump had referred to “shithole countries” in an Oval Office meeting last week with the fate of hundreds of thousands of young immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children hanging in the balance. Trump blamed Democrats for fouling chances for a deal and, in an extraordinary statement, called himself “the least racist person.” Continue reading “Trump says that he is ‘not a racist,’ denies souring chances for immigration overhaul by using vulgarity”