3 takeaways from Mark Sandy’s and Philip Reeker’s testimony on Ukraine

Washington Post logoImpeachment investigators released transcripts Tuesday from two depositions in their investigation: Philip Reeker, the acting assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, and Mark Sandy, the deputy associate director for national security programs at the Office of Management and Budget

Transcript: Philip Reeker’s deposition

Full transcript: Mark Sandy’s deposition

Here are three takeaways from their testimony.

1. More evidence that Trump’s hold on Ukraine assistance wasn’t because of concern over general ‘corruption’

Not one but two officials in the Office of Management and Budget resigned as tensions rose over why Ukraine’s military aid was held up. Congress approved the money and the Pentagon signed off on it. It was OMB’s job to administer the aid, and Sandy, a top career official there, testified he didn’t understand why they couldn’t give to Ukraine. They were told the president wanted it paused.

View the complete November 26 article by Amber Phillips on The Washington Post website here.