This week, several bills I authored received public hearings in House Committees. On Monday, the Education Policy Committee heard HF 1005 that attempts to improve the communication between parents and those in the schools who provide special education services. Tuesday, the Higher Education Committee heard HF 550, which would create a new student loan counseling strategy. Today, the Early Childhood Committee held a hearing on HF 1238 to make some changes to our child care assistance programs, including delivering services to families experiencing homelessness.
Here’s more news from the Capitol:
Education Field Hearing in Windom
My colleagues and I recognize that not everyone is able to make to the Capitol to share thoughts on various issues, so many of our committees are holding field hearings throughout the state this session. Last week, the House Education Finance Division traveled to Windom in southwestern Minnesota. We were able to tour their combined middle and high school and got to check out some of their unique programming opportunities for students, including hydroponic towers where they grow lettuce for the cafeteria, and their combined welding, metals, and small engine shop. These give students hands-on experience which can open their eyes to potential career opportunities. Continue reading “Rep. Laurie Pryor (HD48A) Update: February 28, 2019”