Rep. Laurie Pryor (48A) – Legislative Update
Dear Neighbors,
I’m writing to wish a safe and happy Holiday Season to you and your family. I hope that this time of year brings each of us moments of great joy as we gather with friends and family to share meals, play games, tell stories, and bask in the fellowship of loved ones.
This is also a good time to reflect on the twelve months that have gone by, as well as to look forward to the twelve ahead. The new year will bring new challenges, as well as new opportunities.
As your State Representative, I look forward to continuing on this journey with everyone in the community to make Minnesota an even better place to live.
It’s been a tremendous honor to be your voice at the State Capitol this past year, and I look forward to serving you in the year to come. Working together, with a firm commitment to our shared values, we will make a positive impact on Minnesota’s future. To this end, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any ideas, questions, input, or if I can be of assistance.
Warmly wishing you Happy Holidays and a special New Year to you and your loved ones,
Laurie Pryor
State Representative