New Homeland Security Report Warns Biggest Threat Is White Nationalist Terror

A new draft report from the Department of Homeland Security warns that white supremacists are the “most persistent and lethal” threat in the United States, according to a new CNN report by Geneva Sands.

It stands in sharp contrast to the notion of terroristic threats typically portrayed by conservatives, which focuses on the threat from Muslim attackers from other countries and, more recently “Antifa” and leftist groups. The DHS report warns that although foreign terrorist groups will continue to call for attacks on the U.S., those groups “probably will remain constrained in their ability to direct such plots over the next year.” But it predicts that the U.S. will face an “elevated threat environment at least through” early 2021 because of white supremacists.

Sands notes that DHS has had three different drafts of that report. According to Sands, the language in the drafts varies. But all three versions cite white supremacists as the greatest terrorist threat in the U.S. Continue reading.