Riding the Northern Lights Express

In the upcoming legislative session, the fate of the proposed high-speed rail line from Minneapolis to Duluth is once again to be debated. In 2009 Representative Mary Murphy of Hermantown and I submitted bills to provide for $13 million in bonding to perform a feasibility study to determine whether such a rail line was a viable transportation alternative. Our bill moved through the committee process but did not pass. Every session since then has seen Senate and House bills attempting to secure bonding approval for the Northern Lights Express, the proposed name for the rail line, fall short. In the mean-time legislators, rail enthusiasts and federal transportation officials have kept pressure on to keep the project front and center of all rail discussions.

This year, my Senate File 816 and Representative Murphy’s companion House File 387 have perhaps the best chance of passing since we first tried 10 years ago. Speaker Melissa Hortman is a co-author of the House bill, adding major significance to the legislation. Senate Minority Leader Tom Bakk has given his verbal support to my SF 816. Perhaps of even greater importance, Representative Murphy is the current Chair of the Capital Investment Committee. This is the committee that will determine which bonding bills pass and be moved on to the Governor for signature. There are no guarantees but being able to move her own bill is the best hope we have had in years to see the Northern Lights Express come to fruition. Continue reading “Riding the Northern Lights Express”