Trump promised ‘America First’ would keep jobs here. But the tax plan might push them overseas.

The following article by David J. Lynch was posted on the Washington Post website December 15, 2017:

Delegates hold signs reading “Make America First Again” during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. It was a theme of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. (Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg)

On the Friday before Thanksgiving, Kenny Johnson left the Nelson Global Products plant in Clinton, Tenn., for the last time. Having devoted nearly 13 years to making tractor-trailer exhaust pipes, Johnson, 41, spent some of his final weeks at the plant watching Mexican workers train to take his job.

“They brought three or four groups at different times,” he said. “To learn the jobs that are going to Mexico.”

This was the kind of economic dislocation that President Trump vowed to prevent with his “America First” policies. Over the past year, he threatened to impose a new tax on companies eyeing offshore locales and repeatedly proclaimed the imminent return of millions of lost American jobs from overseas. Continue reading “Trump promised ‘America First’ would keep jobs here. But the tax plan might push them overseas.”