Republicans Search for Proof Their Tax Plans Will Pay for Themselves

The following article by Jim Tankersley was posted on the New York Times website November 12, 2017:

Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, delivering remarks on Capitol Hill last week before a meeting on the Senate tax plan. Credit Tom Brenner/The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Republican leaders keep insisting that their plans to cut taxes by $1.5 trillion over the next decade will not add to the national debt — yet economic analyses of the Senate and House proposals keep predicting that the plans will do just that.

The disconnect is prompting House and Senate Republican leaders and the Trump administration to hunt down — and promote — more optimistic forecasts, even if they exclude large parts of the tax bills from their analyses or assume growth-boosting features that are not, in fact, in the bills. Continue reading “Republicans Search for Proof Their Tax Plans Will Pay for Themselves”