The right wing’s ‘culture war’ is built on a mountain of lies

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“The culture war” is so familiar I don’t need to explainwhat it is. It has been part of the Republican Party’s rhetorical repertoire since at least Robert Taft’s time. What most people do not understand, however, is nearly every moment in which “the culture war” flares up—over abortion, guns, sexuality, etc.—is rooted in a lie. If more people understood the centrality of lying to “the culture war,” more might understand the goal of the GOP’s “cultural war” repertoire is making some Americans seem illegitimate.

Consider the case of Mara Gay, a member of the Times‘ editorial board.1 She was on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Tuesday. The subject of table discussion was Max Boot’s new op-ed in the Post on how too many people in this country are still underestimating the dire threat posed by the Republican Party to democracy and the American union.

Joe Scarborough, the co-host, said there’s a need to stop being surprised by the GOP’s anti-democratic posturing. Gay agreed. “We need to start taking it seriously,” she said. When it comes to creating an independent bipartisan body to investigate the sacking and looting of the United States Capitol on January 6, she said the Democrats in the United States Congress should stop asking for the GOP’s permission and act alone. Continue reading.

Newsmax host attacks Biden for giving his wife a dandelion — and suggests it will ‘give everybody asthma’

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Newsmax host Grant Stinchfield lobbed a scientifically illiterate attack against President Joe Biden this week after the president was filmed giving a dandelion to first lady Jill Biden.

While walking to Marine One on Thursday, Biden bent down to the ground and picked up a dandelion seed head and handed it to his wife before the couple boarded the helicopter.

Stinchfield, however, thought it was inexplicable that the president would give his wife the dandelion, which he bizarrely said “hasn’t even blossomed into a flower yet.” Continue reading.