After years of defending Donald Trump, Republicans are attacking President Joe Biden for lack of “presidential transparency.” But Trump’s administration set modern records for holding the fewest press conferences.
On Tuesday, the Republican National Committee tweeted a video noting that it has been “49 days without a Biden press conference.”
“Every day Pres. Biden goes without a press conference, he sets a new modern record for a lack of presidential transparency,” they charged. Continue reading.
President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence Credit: Tom Williams, CQ Roll Call)
The Pence-led group found no proof of widespread voter fraud, but seems unconcerned by actual Republican election fraud.
The bipartisan North Carolina Board of Elections unanimously ordered a new election on Thursday in the unsettled North Carolina 9th congressional district midterm race, after finding widespread election fraud by the campaign of Republican nominee and anti-LGBTQ pastor Mark Harris.
But Republican voter suppression activists who President Donald Trump gathered early in his term to ensure “election integrity” have apparently nothing much to say about the first “do over” of a congressional election since 1975.
Trump’s Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity was appointed in May 2017 in an attempt to prove the president’s unfounded allegations that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election and that every single one of those voters had supported Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton over him.