The Balanced-Budget Amendment Threatens Americans’ Health Care, Social Security, and Jobs

The following article by Seth Hanlon and Alex Rowell was posted on the Center for American Progress website April 11, 2018:

The Capitol dome in Washington. (Brendan Smialowski/Agence France-Presse via Getty Images)

With the House, Senate, and White House in Republican hands, GOP leaders have taken every opportunity to enact massive tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy as well as to pay for the tax cuts by cutting health care and other middle-class priorities. First, they sought to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—which would have eliminated health care for millions of Americans—while cutting taxes on high-earners, wealthy investors, and health care companies. When that effort stalled, the majority regrouped and passed even bigger tax cuts that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates will add nearly $1.9 trillion to the federal deficit over the next 10 years, even after taking into account potential growth effects. As Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) and other lawmakers have explained, the Congressional majority ultimately plans to pay for the tax cuts by cutting “entitlements,” or in other words, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Continue reading “The Balanced-Budget Amendment Threatens Americans’ Health Care, Social Security, and Jobs”

Koch network growing frustrated with the GOP’s 2018 agenda

The following article by James Hohmann with Breanne Deppisch and Joanie Greve was posted on the Washington Post website April 6, 2018:


Leaders of the conservative Koch political network are mad about President Trump’s tariffs, the failure to protect “dreamers” and runaway government spending. They’re frustrated congressional leaders do not feel a greater sense of urgency to pass more ambitious legislation during what could be the final six months of unified Republican control for a long time. And they’re worried that squabbling might derail their efforts to roll back financial regulations, expand access to experimental medicines and overhaul the criminal justice system.

For now, the network led by billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch still plans to spend between $300 million to $400 million on politics and policy during the 2018 cycle. But they’re growing impatient, rethinking their approach and signaling a willingness to work more closely with Democrats on areas of common ground. Continue reading “Koch network growing frustrated with the GOP’s 2018 agenda”

GOP tax message hits a snag

The following article by Naomi Jagoda and Niv Elis was posted on the Hill website March 30, 2018:

Credit: Alex Edelman/picture-alliance/dpa/AP

More than three months after the passage of the GOP’s tax-cut law, new surveys suggest that many people don’t think they are getting bigger paychecks, which could cut into support for Republicans in this fall’s midterm elections.

A CNBC poll this week stated that just 32 percent of working adults reported having more take-home pay due to the new law, a problem for Republicans hoping to run on the measure and the health of the economy in November.

The GOP has made the tax-cut law the centerpiece of its campaign message, arguing that Republican control of Congress and the White House led to legislation that is putting more money in people’s pockets and stimulating an economy with low unemployment. Continue reading “GOP tax message hits a snag”

Republicans consider ‘balanced-budget amendment’ after adding more than $1 trillion to the deficit

The following article by Jeff Stein was posted on the Washington Post website March 28, 2018:

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.). Credit: Melina Mara/The Washington Post

House Republicans are considering a vote on a “balanced-budget amendment,” a move that would proclaim their desire to eliminate the federal deficit even as they control a Congress that has added more than $1 trillion to it.

The plan is expected to have virtually no chance of passing, as it would require votes from Democrats in the Senate and ratification by three-fourths of the states. Republican lawmakers have pushed for the vote as a way to signal to constituents ahead of the midterm elections that they have tried to reduce the nation’s deficit. Continue reading “Republicans consider ‘balanced-budget amendment’ after adding more than $1 trillion to the deficit”

GOP in crisis as more major donors pull money over guns

The following article by Alison Parker was posted on the website March 24, 2018:

Republicans’ intransigence on gun violence is being tested as more big-money donors are joining Al Hoffman Jr. and putting away their checkbooks.

Credit: Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call

Even in the wake of tragedy upon tragedy, Republicans have governed under the thumb of the NRA. But more funders are joining mega-donor Al Hoffman Jr. to demand action on gun safety. Consequently, the GOP may finally realize the need to make a change.

Days after the mass shooting at a high school in Florida, Hoffman made his stance clear to the party.

“I will not write another check unless they all support a ban on assault weapons,” Hoffman wrote to GOP leaders. “Enough is enough!” Continue reading “GOP in crisis as more major donors pull money over guns”

The Memo: Republicans fear disaster if Trump fires Mueller

The following article by Niall Stanage was posted on the Hill website March 20, 2018:

© Getty Images

Republicans are almost unanimous in the view that any move by President Trump to fire special counsel Robert Mueller would be a political disaster.

Even GOP figures loyal to Trump see any such move as hugely counterproductive, while more critical conservative voices — especially those looking toward November’s midterm elections — fear the president would make already-difficult terrain close to impossible.

“I think it would be a really bad idea to fire him and exacerbate the situation,” said Barry Bennett, a senior adviser to Trump’s 2016 campaign who remains supportive of the president. Continue reading “The Memo: Republicans fear disaster if Trump fires Mueller”

Republicans Fail to Protect DREAMers, Democrats Continue to Call for Votes on Legislation to Address the DACA Crisis and Prevent Gun Violence


President Trump created a crisis by ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and gave the Republican-led Congress six months to pass legislation to allow DREAMers to remain here. This week, I was deeply disappointed that his deadline came and went without any legislation brought to the Floor to protect DREAMers and provide them with a pathway to citizenship. For months, Democrats have been calling on Republican leaders in the House to allow a vote – and we will continue to do so until a bipartisan bill is brought to the Floor. Failure to address this crisis will mean our communities will lose nurses, teachers, entrepreneurs, and other individuals who are able to contribute to our nation thanks to the DACA program.  DREAMers ought to remain in the U.S. and continue to strengthen our communities.

In addition, this week the first midterm elections were held. As the 2018 elections begin, I continue to be deeply alarmed by the incredibly weak stance the Administration has taken on Russian meddling in our elections. The Intelligence Community has made clear that Russia will continue their attempts to undermine our democracy and the U.S. is not doing enough to deter this threat. This week I, along with Democrats from the Election Security Task Force, sent a letter calling on Republicans to provide sufficient funding to the Election Assistance Commission, an agency charged with helping states secure our election infrastructure. I hope they’ll work with us to protect our democracy. Continue reading “Republicans Fail to Protect DREAMers, Democrats Continue to Call for Votes on Legislation to Address the DACA Crisis and Prevent Gun Violence”

Most Americans say Trump, Congress not doing enough to stop mass shootings, Post-ABC poll finds

The following article by Scott Clement and Emily Guskin was posted on the Washington Post website February 20, 2018:

Nikolas Cruz, facing 17 charges of premeditated murder in the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, appears in court for a status hearing in Ft Lauderdale, FL on Monday. Credit: Pool/Reuters

More than 6 in 10 Americans fault Congress and President Trump for not doing enough to prevent mass shootings, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, with most Americans continuing to say these incidents are more reflective of problems identifying and addressing mental health issues than inadequate gun laws.

In the poll conducted after a gunman killed 17 people at a Florida high school last week, more than three-quarters, 77 percent, said they think more effective mental health screening and treatment could have prevented the shooting.

The Post-ABC poll also finds that 58 percent of adults say stricter gun control laws could have prevented the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, but there is no rise in support for banning assault weapons compared with two years ago and the partisan divide on this policy is as stark as ever. On the issue of whether allowing teachers to carry guns could have deterred the rampage, a proposal Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said is an option for schools, 42 percent said they agreed. Continue reading “Most Americans say Trump, Congress not doing enough to stop mass shootings, Post-ABC poll finds”

‘Crisis Budgeting’ Likely Ahead Despite White House Claim

The following article by John T. Bennett was posted on the Roll Call website February 13, 2018:

‘All sorts of riders’ could bring new shutdown threats, experts say

White House officials contend the two-year budget deal that became law last week will end Washington’s spending crises and government shutdown threats. But President Donald Trump’s new budget request suggests otherwise.

Trump himself was lukewarm about the spending package he signed last week, which raised defense and domestic spending caps for the remaining seven-and-a-half months of this fiscal year and the next. And the president had little to say about the fiscal 2019 budget blueprint his administration sent to Capitol Hill on Monday. But his top aides painted each one as game-changing documents. Continue reading “‘Crisis Budgeting’ Likely Ahead Despite White House Claim”

Republicans Learn to Love Deficit Spending They Once Loathed

The following article by Alan Rappeport was posted on the New York Times website February 8, 2018:

Sen. McConnell, right, majority leader, and Sen. Schumer minority leader. Credit Al Drago for The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Big government is officially back in style.

Republicans propelled themselves to power in Washington by promising an end to fiscal recklessness. They are now embracing the kind of free spending and budget deficits they once claimed to loathe.

On Friday, Congress passed a bipartisan spending deal that blows through the caps imposed by the 2011 Budget Control Act, unlocking $300 billion in additional spending for the military and domestic programs over the next two years. That comes on top of last year’s $1.5 trillion tax cut package and as the White House prepares to unveil on Monday a $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan that would require $200 billion in government funding. Continue reading “Republicans Learn to Love Deficit Spending They Once Loathed”