‘A total loser!’: Trump lashes out at George Conway, who has been questioning his mental health

President Trump on Tuesday ratcheted up a remarkable public spat with the husband of one of his top advisers, attacking Kellyanne Conway’s husband as “a total loser” on Twitter in response to the lawyer’s persistent questions about his mental health and competence. Continue reading “‘A total loser!’: Trump lashes out at George Conway, who has been questioning his mental health”

Kellyanne Conway dismisses her husband’s concerns that Trump’s mental health is deteriorating

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Monday dismissed concerns publicly voiced by her husband, lawyer George Conway, that President Trump’s mental condition is deteriorating and should be of concern to his Cabinet.

George Conway has been a persistent conservative critic of Trump’s policies and actions, frequently taking to Twitter to question whether the president is operating within the Constitution and other accepted boundaries. But Conway’s criticism recently has become more personal, as he questions the president’s mental health and psychological state.

A series of tweets Monday included images from the American Psychiatric Association’s “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.” In addition to the manual’s cover, Conway highlighted pages that include diagnostic criteria for “narcissistic personality disorder” and “antisocial personality disorder.”

View the complete March 19 article by John Wagner on The Washington Post website here.

Kellyanne Conway’s husband warns of Trump’s mental health by tweeting out info on psychiatric disorders

George Conway, the husband of Trump White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, once again sounded the alarm on President Donald Trump’s mental health — and tweeted out a possible diagnosis for a psychiatric disorder.

Conway began his Monday morning by warning fellow anti-Trump conservative Ana Navarro to not see Trump’s latest crazed tweets as part of a grand strategy to manipulate and distract — rather, Conway said, we should “consider them as a product of his pathologies, and they make perfect sense.”

George Conway@gtconway3d

Don’t assume that the things he says and does are part of a rational plan or strategy, because they seldom are. Consider them as a product of his pathologies, and they make perfect sense.

Ana Navarro-Cárdenas


Trump has tweeted and retweeted 28 times today….and counting. It’s almost as if he’s trying to distract and pre-empt. Dear Bob Mueller, anything you’d like to share?

6,573 people are talking about this
To give his followers an idea of what he was talking about, Conway then tweeted out information about Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which is defined by individuals who exhibit “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.”

View the complete March 18 article by Brad Reed of Raw Story on the AlterNet website here.

Kellyanne Conway’s husband posts epic rant about Trump’s ‘pathologically mendacity’ — and suggests he’s not ‘mentally balanced’

George Conway, a prominent conservative lawyer and the husband of former Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway, launched into a powerful rant against the president’s habit of pointless, absurd, and delusional lies Wednesday night.

He seemed to be inspired by the president’s false claim that the sentencing of Paul Manafort, his former campaign chair who is facing about 7.5 years in jail for crimes arising out of the Russia investigation, proved that there “no collusion.” In fact, Judge Amy Berman Jackson said at the sentencing that “collusion” hasn’t been addressed because the investigation is still ongoing. But Conway was also baffled at the president’s effort to lie about his recent slip of the tongue when he called Apple CEO Tim Cook “Tim Apple.”

“Have we ever seen this degree of brazen, pathological mendacity in American public life?” Conway wrote on Twitter.  “One day he makes a harmless slip of the tongue, something any mentally balanced person would laugh off.”

View the complete March 14 article by Cody Fenwick on the AlterNet website here.

George Conway Mocks Rudy Giuliani’s Backpedaling With Brutal 5-Word ‘Translation’

Kellyanne Conway’s husband called out the president’s attorney.

George Conway, attorney and husband to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, isn’t buying Rudy Giuliani’s latest defense of President Donald Trump.

On Monday, Giuliani tried to walk back his previous claim that Trump had conversations about a possible Trump Tower project in Moscow throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. On “Meet the Press,” the former New York City mayor said that Trump can “remember having conversations” on the subject with disgraced former attorney Michael Cohen throughout 2016.

“There weren’t a lot of them, but there were conversations,” said Giuliani, who is an attorney for Trump. “Can’t be sure the exact date. … Probably up to ― could be up to as far as October, November.”

View the complete January 22 article by Ed Mazza on the Huffington Post website here.


George Conway Schools Trump About Mitt Romney’s Election Statistics

Kellyanne Conway’s husband shut down Trump with some facts.

George Conway used election statistics to call out Donald Trump after the president taunted Utah senator-elect Mitt Romney for losing the 2012 election to Barack Obama.

In response to Romney’s blistering opinion piece about him in The Washington Post, Trump posted a tweet on Wednesday discussing how he won “big” in the 2016 election:

Continue reading “George Conway Schools Trump About Mitt Romney’s Election Statistics”

George Conway blasts Trump’s claim that Cohen filing ‘totally clears the President’

Was there ever any question about how, exactly, Trump detractor George Conway would spend Friday night?

The running criticism of President Trump by Conway, the husband of Kellyanne Conway, dates back to the earliest days of the administration. Since then, George Conway has become a celebrity in his own right for his Trump-bashing tweets and op-eds.

And that was before Trump gained the nickname Individual-1.

On Friday, as The Washington Post’s Devlin Barrett and Matt Zapotosky reported, federal prosecutors offered new evidence that implicated the president in plans to buy the silence of two women Trump allegedly had affairs with as far back as 2014. The documents also spoke of Russian efforts to forge a political alliance with Trump before he became president.

View the complete December 8 article by Cleve R. Wootson, Jr., on The Washington Post website here.

George Conway Suggests New Donald Trump Tweet May Break The Law

Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway and her husband George Conway Credit:  Pablo Martinez, Monsivals, AP Photo

Kellyanne Conway’s husband was criticizing the president for his fawning praise of Roger Stone.

President Donald Trump tweeted praise of his longtime adviser Roger Stone on Monday, after Stone had declared that he would never testify against the president.

The rest of the internet ― and especially George Conway ― groaned.

Over the weekend, Stone said on ABC’s “This Week” that there was “no circumstance” under which he would testify in the special counsel’s ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, “because I’d have to bear false witness” against Trump.

Trump’s installation of acting AG was unconstitutional, argues husband of Kellyanne Conway

George T. Conway III, husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, seen at the White House in April. Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

A new opinion piece co-authored by George T. Conway III — husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway — argues that President Trump’s installation of Matthew G. Whitaker as acting attorney general Wednesday was unconstitutional.

“It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid,” George Conway wrote with his co-author in a piece published by the New York Times on Thursday, less than 24 hours after Trump ousted Jeff Sessions from the post.

George Conway’s piece was his latest in a series of public shots at the policies of his wife’s boss. Just last week, Conway, a lawyer, took aim at Trump’s pledge to end birthright citizenship in another op-ed, calling that plan unconstitutional, as well.

View the complete November 8 article by John Wagner on The Washington Post website here.

She works for Trump. He can’t stand him. This is life with Kellyanne and George Conway.

The following article by Ben Terris was posted on the Washington Post website August 15, 2018:

Kellyanne Conway and her husband, George, arrive for a dinner at Union Station in Washington the day before Donald Trump’s inauguration. Credit: Matt Rourke, AP

Kellyanne Conway is in her living room, showing me an enormous painting of Audrey Hepburn wearing a peacock on her head, but her husband, George, really wants us to come into his office and look at a photograph of the moment everything changed.

It’s a picture he took on election night 2016: Donald Trump is reaching for the first draft of his acceptance speech, just as victory seemed imminent. Back then, George was such an ardent supporter of the president, and so proud of his wife for her historic role as campaign manager, that he wept for joy.

“That photo was from before you cried,” Kellyanne says.

View the complete article here.