4 of the Biggest Myths About the Gender Pay Gap

The following article by Liz Posner was posted on the AlterNet website March 13, 2018:


The existence of the gender pay gap is a well-documented fact. Respected institutions from the Pew Research Center to the Senate Joint Economic Committee confirm that American women make about 77 cents to the average man’s dollar. For women of color, the disparity is even steeper. Yet conservatives and anti-feminists insist the research is flawed or that it ignores social factors separating men and women. At the current rate at which women’s pay is improving, the World Economic Forum says it will take 200 years to close the gender pay gap worldwide.

This makes it more urgent than ever that we debunk myths about the falsity of the gender pay gap. Here are four of the most common. Continue reading “4 of the Biggest Myths About the Gender Pay Gap”