Trump and Kelly Have a Problem With Women of Color Who Don’t Know Their Place

The following article by Kali Holloway was posted on the AlterNet website October 23, 2017:

Credit: Screenshot / CNN

Racism is the Trump administration’s magic wand, a device it uses, to great effect, to dazzle its base, whose own proud bigotry dispenses with the need for suspension of disbelief. In the face of controversies and criticism, Trump race-baits not just for cynical political reasons—though that’s part of it—but because he, too, is deeply racist, so much that his presidency is basically a live-action revenge fantasy against the country’s first black president.

Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson is the most recent target of the noxious output produced when Trump’s racism meets his unvarnished misogyny, revealing the particular contempt he holds for women of color, especially those powerful and uppity enough to publicly call him on his many failures. And if there was any question about whether Chief of Staff John Kelly endorses Trump’s targeting of women of color, recent events show this an all-hands-on-deck team effort. Continue reading “Trump and Kelly Have a Problem With Women of Color Who Don’t Know Their Place”