A legal scholar on Fox News attempted to spew a debunked claim about election errors on Friday, and even the network’s conservative anchors had to stop him in his tracks.
On Friday, Jonathan Turley, who famously defended the president during impeachment, appeared on Fox & Friends where he discussed a false theory surrounding the Dominion voting machines. According to Turley, “thousands” of President Donald Trump’s votes in Michigan were switched to President-elect Joe Biden in Michigan — another claim the president is pushing to undermine his election defeat to his Democratic opponent.
Turley claimed the software had been used in multiple states including “half of the districts in Michigan” as he suggested that the “vulnerable” software may have impacted the outcome of the election. He made clear he believed mistakes may be the result of “human error.”
However, a Fox News co-host pushed back as he noted that he also researched Trump’s claim. He explained that the glitch did not impact or compromise the vote count in any way. Like Trump’s arguments, Turley’s claims were also confirmed to be unfounded. Continue reading.