OOPS: Republican senator’s FBI conspiracy theory was based on a joke

The following article by Aaron Rupar was posted on the ThinkProgress website January 25, 2018:

“Just connecting the dots.”

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

On Thursday morning, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) went on NPR and tried to defend a wild conspiracy theory he and other Trump-supporting Republican members of Congress have been talking about for several days. It did not go well.

Johnson tried to stand by his claim that a “secret society” within the FBI was trying to oust President Trump. When an NPR host pointed out to Johnson that it appears the text message he based his entire conspiracy theory on was just a joke, the senator became defensive, and then tried to change the topic to the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Continue reading “OOPS: Republican senator’s FBI conspiracy theory was based on a joke”