Dean Phillips Releases Open Letter to Congressman Erik Paulsen

Excelsior, MN – Dean Phillips offered the following open letter to Congressman Erik Paulsen today:

Congressman Paulsen:

In April of this year, I invited you to make a mutual pact to campaign the Minnesota Way, which – in addition to eliminating PAC money, self-funding and spending from outside groups – would have ensured at least two public voter forums per month.

Continue reading “Dean Phillips Releases Open Letter to Congressman Erik Paulsen”

Key Vote Alert: Rep. Paulsen Votes to Permanently Slash State and Local Tax Deductions, Put Social Security and Medicare on the Chopping Block

© Greg Nash

After voting to give massive handouts to the wealthy and corporations at the expense of the middle class with last year’s Tax Scam, Republicans are back for more. Rep. Paulsen, as a member of the Ways and Means Committee, voted yesterday topermanently cap the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction, costing Minnesota families thousands of dollars per year. Rep. Paulsen also put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block by voting to increase the deficit by at least $631 billion, on top of the $1.9 trillion deficit increase that resulted from the GOP tax scam.

Rep. Erik Paulsen voted to permanently slash the State and Local Tax deduction that hard working families in Minnesota rely on to save thousands of dollars a year and put Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block by adding another $631 billion to the deficits Republicans have already racked up thanks to their tax scam,” said DCCC spokesperson Rachel Irwin.“Voters know that as long as Paulsen is in office, their access to affordable healthcare and retirement security are at risk.”


Take a closer look at Dean Phillips for CD3

To the Editor:

I recently came across Nathan Dull’s letter to the editor entitled “Paulsen is better than Phillips for CD3,” published on Aug. 31, and realized it is light on facts.

Among other things, the letter states that Paulsen does the right thing for our environment. In reality, Erik touts his image as an environmentalist (portrayed by his Boundary Waters TV ad and joining an environmental caucus), but he gets low grades on his actual voting record for climate change, according to the League of Conservation Voters. To further prove my point, the City Pages article, “Erik Paulsen Discovers that Climate Change is for Real After All” describes Paulsen’s self-serving reasons for finally changing his ‘beliefs’ about the environment.

I previously voted for Paulsen based on the recommendation of his predecessor, Jim Ramstad. And even though Erik Paulsen talks like he’s a moderate, he votes the party line 98 percent of the time ( Now I know that Paulsen’s quotes don’t match his votes. He actively opposes consumer protection, funding education, environmental protection, financial sector regulation, gun control, labor rights and wages, racial equality, countering Russian interference and women’s rights ( Continue reading “Take a closer look at Dean Phillips for CD3”

Dem leads GOP incumbent in Minnesota congressional race: poll

The following article by Michael Burke was posted on the Hill website September 10, 2018:

© Greg Nash

Democratic businessman Dean Phillips holds a 9-point advantage over incumbent Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-Minn.) ahead of November’s midterm election in Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District in results from new polling within the survey’s margin of error.

Phillips has the support of 51 percent of respondents, while 42 percent say they’ll support Paulsen, a poll conducted by The New York Times Upshot and Siena College found.

Paulsen has comfortably won elections for the seat since 2008, but the Cook Political Report rates the race as a “toss-up.”

View the complete article here.

Five takeaways from the NYT/Siena polls of Minnesota’s Third and Eighth Congressional Districts Email Facebook Twitter Print

The following article by Sam Brodey was posted on the MinnPost website September 10, 2018:

Credit: MinnPost

A fresh round of polls conducted by the New York Times and Siena College is offering the first clear glimpse into two of Minnesota’s highest-profile U.S. House races: the contests in the suburban 3rd District and in northeast Minnesota’s 8th District.

In CD3, the poll gave a big, nine-point advantage to Democratic candidate Dean Phillips, who is challenging six-term GOP incumbent Erik Paulsen. In CD8, an open-seat race, the poll found Democrat Joe Radinovich with a one-point lead over Republican Pete Stauber.

The NYT/Siena polls were carried out and completed over the weekend, and they featured an innovative twist: The results were posted live, with poll-watchers able to see who preferred Democrats or Republicans in real time. By the time the dust settled, the pollsters had called some 18,675 people in CD8 and actually spoke to 504 of them; in CD3, they contacted 21,046 and reached 500.

North Carolina Super PAC Supporting Erik Paulsen Tells People to Vote November 8th

As millions in out of state money pours in for Paulsen, conservative ClearPath Action Fund muddies the waters, confuses voters

Eden Prairie, MNClearPath Action Fund (CPA) is a super PAC based in Washington, D.C. and North Carolina currently running digital ads as part of a six-figure effort to support the reelection Congressman Erik Paulsen in MN03. CPA is financed with untraceable money from the ClearPath Foundation (CPF), a 501(c)(3).

Millions of dollars in outside spending by super PACs and untraceable dark money in support of Erik Paulsen will attempt to mislead, distract, and skew in his favor, but these digital ads on Facebook muddied the waters in a different way – by providing an incorrect date for Election Day.

This ad is just another example what can happen when outside spending by super PACs with no interest in what’s best for Minnesota are allowed to influence our elections. Continue reading “North Carolina Super PAC Supporting Erik Paulsen Tells People to Vote November 8th”

Our taxes are up 23 percent, thanks to Erik Paulsen

To the Editor:

Remember the Republican tax cut bill that Rep. Paulsen worked so hard to pass? It’s the one that massively cut taxes for corporations and the top 1 percent.

For us, it will mean a 23-percent increase in our taxable income and a 35-percent increase in our federal tax bill. We are retired and pay estimated taxes throughout the year. Our CPA did the arithmetic with the new tax bill and our 2017 income to figure out what we should be paying in estimated taxes for 2018 and he shared all the numbers with us. The result has been a 23-percent increase in our estimated tax payments; the final results are above.

We know this tax bill cut taxes for corporations and the top 1 percent; they are undoubtedly grateful to Rep. Paulson (sic). Wonder what it did for your 2018 tax bill.

Gwen and Mason Myers, Minnetonka
Minnetonka Sun-Sailor, September 10, 2018

Booker Orders Release of Kavanaugh-Related Email in ‘Act of Disobedience’

The following article by John T. Bennett was posted on the Roll Call website Septem

Sen. Booker dares Sen. Cornyn to start process to remove him from Senate

Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., made a splash Thursday during the third day of Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination hearing. Credit: Bill Clark, CQ Roll Call

The third day of Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing began with fireworks: A senator dared another to try to kick him out of the Senate.

Potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Cory Bookerof New Jersey and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas jousted at the Thursday session’s start over the process by which the Judiciary Committee, National Archives, Justice Department and former President George W. Bush’s legal staff have been reviewing and clearing or withholding documents from Kavanaugh’s time working for the 43rd president.

Booker announced he had ordered his staff to release an email before it has gone through that process, saying he was knowingly violating a Senate rule that could lead to his removal from the chamber.

View the complete article here.

Chuck Todd scopes out Minnesota’s hot races

The following article by John Croman was posted on the website September 4, 2018:

Chuck Todd scopes out Minnesota’s hot races

WASHINGTON — Minnesota will attract intense attention from national Republicans and an outsized amount of campaign cash this fall, according to NBC’s Chuck Todd.

“I think the priority of national Republicans is two-fold in Minnesota. I think priority number one is the House seats. Priority number two is the House seats!” the Meet the Press host quipped in an interview with KARE recently.

“You have four House seats in play, and it’s one of the few states where Republicans can actually pick up House seats. There’s really nowhere else in the country are they actually playing on offense, other than in Minnesota.”

View the complete article here.