House Ways and Means Committee Passes Bill Granting $50 Million to Emergency Community Relief Grant Program

House DFL logoSAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA — This afternoon, the House Ways and Means Committee passed HF 4611. The bill, authored in the House by State Representative Aisha Gomez (DFL- Minneapolis) and in the Senate by Senator Melisa Franzen (DFL-Edina), creates an emergency community relief grant program that is designed to help individuals who have been harmed by the coronavirus pandemic. The bill is designed to aid those who have slipped through the cracks of other aid programs, and has broad support from over 70 community organizations.

“Even though there have been a number of aid programs to help Minnesotans who have been impacted by COVID-19, there are far too many people in our communities who don’t have a safety net,” said Rep. Gomez. “This bill recognizes that workers who are undocumented, earn their income from tips, or are considered other ‘non-traditional’ workers, are a critical part of our communities. These workers have been equally impacted by the pandemic, yet their plight has been largely ignored and government aid has been extremely limited. It is critical that we stick to our values and stand by the most vulnerable during this crisis.” Continue reading “House Ways and Means Committee Passes Bill Granting $50 Million to Emergency Community Relief Grant Program”