WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Reps. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and Van Taylor (R-TX) introduced H.R. 2902, the Elected Official Lobbying Prohibition Act. This bipartisan legislation would close a long-standing loophole that allows elected officials to lobby on behalf of private clients.
Under current law, state and local officials can leverage their political influence to advance the goals of private sector patrons and special interests. H.R. 2902 would end that corrupt practice once and for all. However, the bill does not prohibit state and local officials from advocating at the federal level on behalf of their constituents. The complete text of H.R. 2902 can be found here.
“This isn’t controversial – elected officials should serve the people, not their pocketbook,” said Rep. Phillips. “Current law allows our leaders to lobby Washington on behalf of special interests, never mind the needs of their constituents. That is a blatant betrayal of the public trust, and it must be prohibited immediately. This bipartisan legislation is a victory for the American people and a much-needed step toward restoring their faith in our government.”
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