100% of new revenue is invested in E-12 education
SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA – Today, the Minnesota House is expected to approve a new tax bill that would raise $1.2 billion in new revenue, largely by taxing corporations’ foreign profits, and invest it in education, health care, and safe and inclusive communities. The proposal comes as large corporations and the wealthy own increasing amounts of our economy, and destructive Republican budgets harm family economic security and limit opportunities for our children.
“With this bill, we are leveling the playing field for working families, farmers, small businesses, and senior citizens,” said Rep. Paul Marquart (DFL-Dilworth), Chair of the House Tax Committee. “Democrats are making Minnesota’s tax system fairer, we’re bringing in new revenue to build a great future, and we’re providing real tax reform, including greater transparency and accountability. This bill is a winner for the taxpayer.” Continue reading “Minnesota House Expected to Approve New Tax Bill”