President Trump Plans to Cut Health Coverage to Pay for Tax Cuts for Millionaires

The following article by Melissa Boteach and Rachel West was posted on the Center for American Progress website January 27, 2017:

AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais —
President Donald Trump speaks at the House and Senate GOP lawmakers’ annual policy retreat in Philadelphia, January 26, 2017.

President Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid; as late as this past week, he promised “insurance for everybody.” But days later, he reneged on that promise, coming out in support of a Medicaid block grant, which is code for massive cuts to Medicaid that would strip millions of seniors, children, people with disabilities, and working families of health care coverage while shifting the costs onto the states. In total, the Medicaid plan that President Trump’s nominee for secretary of health and human services championed as chair of the House Budget Committee is estimated to cut $1 trillion from Medicaid over 10 years and kick up to 20 million people off their health coverage. Continue reading “President Trump Plans to Cut Health Coverage to Pay for Tax Cuts for Millionaires”

Fresh cracks appear in Trump’s relationship with conservatives in Congress

The following article by Jame sHohmann and Breanne Deppisch was posted on the Washington Post website January 27, 2017:

John McCain and Lindsey Graham read the newspaper yesterday as they wait for President Trump to speak at the annual congressional GOP retreat in Philadelphia. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)</p>

John McCain and Lindsey Graham read the newspaper yesterday as they wait for President Trump to speak at the annual congressional GOP retreat in Philadelphia. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)

THE BIG IDEA: Tensions emerged underneath the bonhomie at the Republican retreat in Philadelphia.

Will Donald Trump coopt conservatives on Capitol Hill, or will he be coopted? This tug of war will be one of the most important storylines of 2017, and after a week of caving to the new president, there were glimmers yesterday that at least some principled conservatives in Congress will assert themselves after all.

The differences appeared on two issues that are definitional to modern conservatism: spending and trade. Continue reading “Fresh cracks appear in Trump’s relationship with conservatives in Congress”

Mexican import tax would be dire for Minnesota industry, trade experts say

The following article by Jim Spencer and Tom Meersman was posted on the StarTribune website January 26, 2017:

Agriculture sector would feel the greatest sting.

If President Donald Trump follows through on a proposal to slap a 20 percent tax on Mexican imports, it could lead to severe consequences for Minnesota’s agriculture sector as well as some of its manufacturers. PHOTO: Bruce Bisping, StarTribune File

If President Donald Trump follows through on a proposal to slap a 20 percent tax on Mexican imports, it could lead to severe consequences for Minnesota’s agriculture sector and some of its manufacturers.

A trade war with Mexico could slow the flow of goods from Minnesota south of the border, a revenue stream that brought $2.4 billion to the state in 2015. Continue reading “Mexican import tax would be dire for Minnesota industry, trade experts say”

Fact Checker: Here’s everything Donald Trump got factually wrong in his first week as president

The following article was is a newsletter from the Washington Post January 27, 2017:

Here’s everything Donald Trump got factually wrong in his first week as president.

It’s been a whirlwind of a week at The Fact Checker. As regular readers know, candidate Donald Trump had difficulty with facts — and we learned this week that President Trump does, too.

It started with Trump’s inauguration speech; we fact-checked eight errors and exaggerations. Then, every day in his first week, Trump either said or tweeted something that was factually inaccurate or exaggerated. We issued several Four-Pinocchio ratings this week to the new president. Continue reading “Fact Checker: Here’s everything Donald Trump got factually wrong in his first week as president”

Trump just gave a remarkable new interview. Here’s a tally of all his lies.

The following article by Greg Sargent was posted on the Washington Post website January 26, 2017:


Donald Trump sat down for an interview with ABC News that aired last night, in what was his first major one-on-one with a network as president. Let’s tally up the lies and distortions, one by one:

1) Trump repeated his false claim that there was rampant voter fraud in the election, and when pressed on the fact that his claim has repeatedly been debunked, Trump said: “No it hasn’t. Take a look at the Pew reports.”

The Pew report that Trump is citing did not show what Trump claims it did. The author of that report has repeatedly stated this in numerous interviews. Continue reading “Trump just gave a remarkable new interview. Here’s a tally of all his lies.”

Is President Trump surrendering America’s moral high ground?

The following article by James Hohmann and Breanne Deppisch was posted on the Washington Post website January 26, 2017:

THE BIG IDEA: Not even a week into Donald Trump’s presidency, some liberal internationalists find themselves privately pining for George W. Bush.

Despite acts of brutality that were perpetrated on his watch, Bush always insisted publicly that the United States did not torture. He understood that copping to the enhanced interrogation techniques he had secretly approved could undercut our moral standing on the world stage, provide terrorists a potent recruiting tool and give our enemies an excuse to torture Americans.

Trump doesn’t think like that. “I have spoken as recently as 24 hours ago with people at the highest level of intelligence,” the new president told ABC News in an interview that aired last night, “and I asked them the question, ‘Does it work? Does torture work?’ and the answer was, ‘Yes, absolutely.'” Continue reading “Is President Trump surrendering America’s moral high ground?”

In his first major TV interview as president, Trump is endlessly obsessed with his popularity

The following article by Jenna Johnson was posted on the Washington Post website January 26, 2016:

The way President Trump tells it, the meandering, falsehood-filled, self-involved speech that he gave at the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters was one of the greatest addresses ever given.

“That speech was a home run,” Trump told ABC News just a few minutes into his first major television interview since moving into the White House. “See what Fox said. They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming. … I got a standing ovation. In fact, they said it was the biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning had won the Super Bowl, and they said it was equal. I got a standing ovation. It lasted for a long period of time.” Continue reading “In his first major TV interview as president, Trump is endlessly obsessed with his popularity”

The DeVos Dynasty: A Family of Extremists

The following article by Catherine Brown and Ulrich Boser was posted on the Center for American Progress website January 23, 2017:

Photo: AP/Carolyn Kaster

On Tuesday, Betsy DeVos appeared in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions to be considered for the country’s next secretary of education. In her hearing, DeVos tried to present herself as a run-of-the-mill school advocate and a thoughtful visionary who uses a research-based approach to improving schools and enhancing children’s wellbeing. But a closer look at DeVos’s background—and the transcript from Tuesday night’s hearing—shows that she instead represents an extremist, right-wing perspective. Continue reading “The DeVos Dynasty: A Family of Extremists”