Trump blames Obama for town hall protests and security leaks

The following article by Anthony Zyercher was posted on the website February 28, 2017:

US President Donald Trump has said he believes Barack Obama is behind a wave of protests against Republican lawmakers, and national security leaks.

He told Fox News: “I think President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it”, but added: “I also think it’s just politics”.

Mr Trump offered no evidence for his claims; his predecessor in the White House has not commented.

Mr Trump also spoke about his budget plans and other issues.

In his wide-ranging interview with Fox News’ programme Fox and Friends, he said: Continue reading “Trump blames Obama for town hall protests and security leaks”

Trump Concedes Health Law Overhaul Is ‘Unbelievably Complex’

The following article by Robert Pear and Kate Kelly was posted on the New York Times website February 27, 2017:

WASHINGTON — President Trump, meeting with the nation’s governors, conceded Monday that he had not been aware of the complexities of health care policy-making: “I have to tell you, it’s an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.”

The president also suggested that the struggle to replace the Affordable Care Act was creating a legislative logjam that could delay other parts of his political agenda. Continue reading “Trump Concedes Health Law Overhaul Is ‘Unbelievably Complex’”

Republican leaders feel pressure over health care reforms

The following article by Robert Pear and Kate Kelly was posted on the New York Times website February 28, 2017:

President Trump met with health insurance company executives Monday in the Roosevelt Room of the White House to discuss possible options to the current health plan initiated by Barack Obama.

WASHINGTON — President Trump, meeting with the nation’s governors, conceded Monday that he had not been aware of the complexities of health care policy-making: “I have to tell you, it’s an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.”

The president also suggested that the struggle to replace the Affordable Care Act was creating a legislative logjam that could delay other parts of his political agenda.

Many policy makers had anticipated the intricacies of changing the health care law, and Trump’s demands in the opening days of his administration to simultaneously repeal and replace Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement made the political calculations far more complicated.

Governors of both parties added still more confusion Monday when they called for any replacement to cover all the people already benefiting from the landmark law. Continue reading “Republican leaders feel pressure over health care reforms”

Today’s WorldView: The Irony of Republicans Complaining About McCarthyism

The following e-newsletter by Ishaan Tharoor of the Washington Post was sent February 28, 2017:

THE TAKEAWAYA couple of days before a host of celebrities spoke out against President Trump at the Oscars, Hollywood icon George Clooney was feted at an awards ceremony in Paris. There he warned of the shadow of McCarthyism looming over his homeland.

“We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must not walk in fear of one another. We must not be driven by fear into an age of unreason,” said Clooney. He signed off with the famous tagline of late American journalist Edward R. Murrow: “Good night, and good luck.”

Murrow, of course, made his name in opposition to the anti-communist witch hunts launched by Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) in the 1950s. Liberal cognoscenti see the specter of McCarthy again haunting the country as Trump deems the mainstream media the “enemy” and scapegoats whole communities as potential terror threats. Continue reading “Today’s WorldView: The Irony of Republicans Complaining About McCarthyism”

Trump to propose 10 percent spike in defense spending, major cuts to other agencies

The following article by Abby Phillip and Kelsey Snell was posted on the Washington Post website February 27, 2017:

President Trump will propose a federal budget that would significantly increase defense-related spending by $54 billion while cutting other federal agencies by the same amount, an administration official said.

The proposal represents a major increase in federal spending related to national security, while other priorities, especially foreign aid, would face massive reductions. Continue reading “Trump to propose 10 percent spike in defense spending, major cuts to other agencies”

Nominee to be Navy secretary withdraws

Philip Bilden, President Trump’s pick for secretary of the Navy, is the
second nominee to withdraw his name for consideration to lead one of the biggest armed
services. Bildensaid ethics requirements would cause him “undue disruption and
materially adverse divestment of my family’s private financial interests.”

Why mass deportations are costly and hurt the economy

The following article by Mark Humphery-Jenner was posted on the Conversation website February 27, 2017:

Charles Reed/U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement/AP

President Donald Trump has pledged to deport several million undocumented immigrants and recently set a plan in motion targeting those with criminal records (of any kind).

While the ethical issues with mass deportations have received lots of attention, the economics haven’t been explored as comprehensively. And the costs of mass deportations will likely be significant.

These include the impact on economic growth and the labor force, which have received some coverage, but there are several other factors that ought to be considered, such as the debts and dependents left behind by those deported and the costs of giving them the boot.

Undocumented immigrants and debt

To start with undocumented immigrants are able to amass debt in the U.S., and being deported makes it less likely they’ll honor it. This imposes risks on the financial system and on lenders in particular. Continue reading “Why mass deportations are costly and hurt the economy”

Did President Trump save 77,000 coal mining jobs?

The following article by Glenn Kessler was posted on the Washington Post website February 27, 2017:

Carolyn Kaster/AP

“If we had not overturned this rule, we were looking at nearly 70,000 jobs across the country.”
— Unidentified participant in President Trump’s signing of H.J. Resolution 38, eliminating the Stream Protection Rule, Feb. 16, 2017

“I’m really pleased that we repealed a regulation that was going to be very, very damaging to my state. I went to the White House this week to see him sign. The repeal would have cost 77,000 jobs in the coal industry.”
— Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), interview on ABC’s “This Week,” Feb. 19 Continue reading “Did President Trump save 77,000 coal mining jobs?”

Trump’s $5 Trillion Attack On America’s Values And Reputation

The following article by @LOL was posted on the National Memo website February 27, 2017:

Donald Trump wants you terrified.

If you’re Muslim, he wants you to expect to be harassed every time you take a plane, even if you’re Muhammad Ali’s son. If you have family or friends who are documented, he wants you to think they can be snatched away at any time, even when seeking protection from a potential abuser. If you’re a legal immigrant, he wants you to know that if you’re shot and killed in cold blood, the president will not even bother to mourn you with a tweet.

This week, Adam Purinton reportedly shot Srinivas Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani at a bar in Olathe, Kansas. Kuchibhotla died. Continue reading “Trump’s $5 Trillion Attack On America’s Values And Reputation”