CNN host cuts off GOP lawmaker with brutal fact check after he claims no one took Trump’s Lysol claim seriously

AlterNet logoCNN’s John King was forced to cut off and fact-check a Republican Senator on Sunday morning who tried to dismiss Donald Trump’s comments about using common household disinfectants as a means to cure coronavirus patients.

Speaking with Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), who was a gastroenterologist before entering the Senate, host King asked about Trump’s startling comments that the president later claimed were “sarcastic.”

“You’re a senator, but you’re also Dr. Cassidy,” King began. “I’m interested in your perspective. If you look at Google searches this past week, after the doctor talked about sunlight and using disinfectants, you see a spike for searches for inject yourself with disinfectant. We’re in the position this past week where the Centers for Disease Control and U.S. Surgeon General had to put out public statements saying, and this is my translation, don’t listen to the president, be careful here.” Continue reading.