The following article by Joe Romm was posed on the ThinkProgress website January 16, 2018:
Progressives need to debunk Trump directly and repeatedly with good framing.

What is the best way to respond to Donald Trump’s steady stream of conversation-dominating lies and misrepresentations?
George Lakoff — an expert on message “framing” and author of the 2004 bestseller Don’t Think of An Elephant –– has some advice for progressives when Trump attacks the press (or any other vital institution): Don’t repeat the lies.
He desperately needs your help to succeed.
You can help him by repeating his words and lies. You can help him by focusing outraged attention on his antics.
Or we can work together to redirect the energy, counteract rather than react, and reframe the conversation.
He says, “rather than argue against him directly or waste time refuting his attacks, let’s ignore his antics and make a positive, proactive argument.” Continue reading “The best way to debunk Trump’s lies, according to science”